New Amiracle set up


Hey I just got an Amiracle wet/dry hang on filter with a protein skimmer attached , said it was rated for up to 90 g. Does anyone know much bout it? I got it brand new for 100 bucks wondering if that was a good deal or not. What is the best type of paint to use to paint an acrylic tank? Is there a certain brand or color? What size heater should I be using in my 36g bowfront? is there somewhere I can look for instructions on what i need and how to build a sump, Do you have to drill into the tankl for that? If i do can i put this filter/skimmer and heater into that instead of the main tank? I found a second nature WDF 3000 wet/dry filter in my storage shed that has never been used. Is it better to use this as well as the amiracle setup? and can they both be placed down in a sump? And lastly is there a certain time cycle i need to have my lights on? even during my cycle period with lr? Sorry for all the questions ........thanks for any info...............


I have a 100w for my 29g, but I put it in my skimmer...cuz i have a cpr bak pak and there is room for my heater in my skimmer so maybe u could get a 150 or so?:notsure:


hey thanks for the info .. the lfs told me i needed about a 300w heater does that sound right? also what are good starter fish and or corals and inverts once my tank cycles--- i have a moonlight set up for lighting


IMO, 5 w per gallon is a good starting point depending on tank placement and where you live...(up north here there is always heat/cold issues).. I would buy two heaters (150w) instead of a single 300 w heater they are smaller and easier to place plus if one goes bad you have a backup until you can get a new one. Many stories on this board of overheated tanks..