new and cofused


:help: About a year ago i started a 55 gal. setup. but i failed miserably. I was always having problem adjusting the skimmer.
Now im back and wondering if my Sump setup was to blame a little (or alot)? The Sump mearsures 201/4"x83/4"x16"(all together). but there is a divider for the sock and where the return pump and skimmer are in.The skimmer/RP compartment is 131/2"x83/4"x16" of space? ?????
Now is there something wrong with all this? IS my sump to small?
I have a euro reef RS80 skimmer with a mag7 return pump.


Active Member
Algae is caused by poor water quality (mostly). A properly setup skimmer will help, but there are other factors as well. Make sure you don't overfeed, don't overstock the tank, make sure the water you put in the tank is of good quality (not all water is created equal).
Were you using treated tap water?


well all this was a year ago.Now im alot more coscience about the water quality etc. my problem is in jan. I plan on starting all over again and fresh.
What im wondering is if my sump is good enough for my skimmer?and return pump setup/55 gallon tank?

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by specialreef
well all this was a year ago.Now im alot more coscience about the water quality etc. my problem is in jan. I plan on starting all over again and fresh.
What im wondering is if my sump is good enough for my skimmer?and return pump setup/55 gallon tank?
How many GPH does ur return pump push?? Can you snap a pic of the set-up with the skimmer?


here are pics of the sump skimmer and return pump. so any advice,suggestions,opinions. its all appriciated. i just want to know is is too small.



my guess is that it has nothing to do with the skimmer, but more along the lines of not using reverse osmosis'ed water or distilled water (phosphate free); also you didn't mention anything about the lighting. The light is how the algea grows, .. im thinking too much light, (had them on too long) how much wattage, type (halides, t5, pc's?
) and OVERFEEDING. can we get some more info from you? Im sure there are many more here who want to help and see you have a successful tank


of course i understand what you mean. I want to have an successful tank this time for a long time thank you every one.
For lighting i have that orbit 4x 65=260 watts (i feel like its not enough). and also i used an r/o for water supply looking back it could be overfeeding,and water quality etc. i learned my lesson for this next time. i jsut wasnt sure if the skimmer/sump was good enough.

who dey

Active Member
my only concern is the small sump. If and when the power goes off your sump needs to be large enough to not overflow from the water flow back into your sump.


my sump was too small to handle a power outage so i simply added a 10 gallon to the bottom and now i have plenty of room for a power outtage. What i did was bsically make a 2 baffle 1 in the 10 gallon and 1 in the sump and then ran some pvc in between them. The baffles were so that i wouldnt lose the suction. I can explain it more and take pics if you want me to.


oh yes please it would be real helpful.
I have the blue bucket in their for cooling purpose,i would throw cold water with ice to keep water cool. it didnt work as well as i thought it would.


ok here you go: i think the pics do a pretty good job of explaining but maybe not...if you dont get it let me know.
