NEW and need HELP !


New Member
I just received a chili coral and a sun polyp and read that the sun polyp needs "spot fed". Whats that mean? Now why I recieved these was over a bad shipment and the shipper was making up for the mistake and told me he would send me some nice peices. Well I know these are not for the beginner (I consider myself one) My tank is a 75 gal with lighting of (2) 175mh metal halgens with dual ballast with spider reflecters and (2) pc lights and has been set up for almost 2 years. Can any one give me ANY info on these guys. I also received a buble anenome and a small blue max clam.... ALL for FREE !!!!! h* Thanks Chad


Active Member
First take the blue clam to a LFS you dont have the lighting and it will die.....
For the rest, spot feeding corals is not uncommon... Your tank sounds like it is old enough and put the sun coral under a overhanging LR.
Pulled from another post
ive heard of taking a glass mason jar and filling it with tank water all the way up put a whole pack of brine shrimp in it then cover the lid with your hand bring it down to the sun polyp then flip the jar over the sun polyp so that there are no gaps for the brine to get out... you usually need to have the sun polyp on the sand though. leave it over the coral for about 1-2 hours then take it off and your sun polyp should ahve had enough food....
I have also heard of people taking the polyp out of the tank with some water in a bucket and dropping the brine in there...
The rest can be done just by dropping food on to them....


Active Member
Scratch what I said about the clam I didnt read properly you have enought light..... SOrry...
My bad...