New and need help!


New Member
I am new to saltwater but not new to having a tank. Currently i have a 40 gallon hexagon long tank. I have purchased a protien skimmer and a power head for this. I read that is what you needed for the filtration. Am i correct with my assumtion. I plan on doing a tank with fish and invert. i also plan on having live rock in my tank.
With this fish tank i also got a under gravel filter Would that be a good thing to keep in the tank or should i just not use it?
Any suggestions on live rock by the way? I have been looking and i am finding a lot of different rocks. My local petstore sales live fiji for 7.50 a pound rather then buying it online. Another question i had is it safe to put the live rock in the tank when you are starting out the process? I have seen many post's saying it will stabilze your tank faster so i am wondering if you put it in when your water is fresh.
I also have live sand and a coral subrstrate For the bottom of the tank.
any suggestions.
I also wanted to add that i have a Sand Man filter that came on the tank? I dont know what it is apparently its been discontinued but you can still buy replacement filters online. Should i use this? Lol help!


With this fish tank i also got a under gravel filter Would that be a good thing to keep in the tank or should i just not use it?
these are very outdated and can cause major problems later I say dont use it at all.
when you get rock it will kick off the cycle process as long as there isnt any fish in the tank. I like a mix of rocks but its cheaper to get a certain kind like fiji check out the LIVE ROCK and SAND button on the left hand of the screen.
is your substrate and sand and CC coral substrate?
as far as the filter its probably a fluidized sand bed filter I have a brand new one sittin gin my closet never have hooked it up LOL the best filtration that you can get is a natural filter of live rock and sand and good water flow and a good skimmer.
Welcome to the board.


Active Member
Also just as an early warning, you will not be able to get a lot of fish in this size and "footprint" (the dimensions) of the tank. Hex tanks are somewhat specialized in their needs. In particular, once set up pay very close attention to your pH.


New Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
is your substrate and sand and CC coral substrate?

I dont understand what this means could you elaborate?


is it all the same size particules the size of sand or does it have large pieces of shells and other larger itmes mixed in with the smaller particules of sand.


New Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
is it all the same size particules the size of sand or does it have large pieces of shells and other larger itmes mixed in with the smaller particules of sand.

One is mixed with shells and what not and the other is one size sand. Is there anything you could recomend? These are still sealed in the package i could always take it back for some thing better. The two stores i went to had barely any choices at all.


I would use just sand. the mix wil eventually shift to the Crushed coral being on top and start collecting food and detirous and can cause a nitrate problem later down the road.