New Anemone


I just got a new anemone and I have two clown fish in the tank who have never been around an anemone before (to my knowledge). Will the clowns warm up to the anemone? also, can the anemone eat frozen foods (in other words, still frozen when feed to it)? thanks for the help.


Active Member
There is a chance that the clowns will not host the anemone.
As for the food, I'd thaw it out first.


Active Member
Although they may never have seen an anemone, they may still host (warm up) to it. Or as wango said, they may not even get near it. Clowns will host the oddest things, from power heads to gravel.
As for food, you should feed it chuncks of food - not the minced up pieces you feed your fish. Shop up some raw shrimp and other seafood items and spot feed it that way. You should spot feed it about once a week (less if it is healthy and you have good lights), and the pieces of food should be no larger than its mouth.
I have a BTA and i've noticed it won't grab onto food that is very small - IE the things we feed our fish.
hope this helps.


it does help. it saddens me that i have only a 50/50 chance that the clones will host it. but it is a lovely addition to my tank.


Active Member
I don't know what you mean by clones - but your chances of them hosting the anemone are much lower than 50%.


Have you heard of the picture method? I am surprised no one mentioned it already. I have never tried it personally, but I have read lots of posts from people who have had success with this method. My understanding is that what you do is find a picture (online maybe) of the same species of clownfish hosting an anemone and print it out. Then tape it to the outside of the tank so that your clowns can see it. Suppossedly, this has been known to prompt clowns into hosting...
Like I said, I have never tried this method but have read other posts where it seems to have been successful....
And honestly, dont belive the 50/50 stuff. Some clowns are more apt to hosting than others. My male has hosted lots of stuff from mushrooms to xenia to anemones.
Give the picture method I try...I bet they figure it out! Good luck!