new anemone


Until the clown hosts it or if it doesn't host it you will need to spot feed it. I feed my about every other day and i feed it krill. But you can feed it other meaty foods also.


the condys arent a normal host for clowns occasionally they will host in them but dont hold your breath it probably wont happen.
you will also have to watch you power head intake and filter intakes they love to wander up to them and get sucked in.
what kind of lights and how much LR do you have in the tank.? from the picture it looks like there is very little rock. if so he will need something to attach to or he wil start to climb the glass and be able to get to the intake alot easier.


Active Member
CB......yeah i just went out and bought some prawns to feed it, i cut about a 3/4 inch chunk for it and once i got in in to the condi's arms i thought it was going to be too big but a couple minutes later i lookes in and it had devoured the whole thing!! for lighting right now we have 40 watt florescent light over the tank and two floor lamps aiming at each side of the tank (it's very bright in the tank) untill we can get a better lighting system and we have 17# lr and getting some more soon.


youll want to get some better lighting ASAP a condi is an anemone and will probably wont survive long term without it. it is a good idea to feed him regualrly this will help offset the lack of lighting. has he attached to a rock yet?
if not take your hand and set its base by the rock and lightly hold him in place and he should attach.


I dug up a picture of my large condi. spread out and opened up he was about 6 inches or so and the base was about 4 inches across. in the pic he is under flouresecent bulbs feed daily and the tank was in direct sunlight. I had rock shift and it smashed his foot to a point that he couldnt heal thats the only reason I dont have it today.


Active Member
i just put him on a rock, and with 3 lights on there (the hood light and 2 60 watt bulbs in lamps on sides) its nice and bright, but we are planing on getting a better light next week when we have the money. here he is on the rock now.


Looks much better LOL
he will start to turn a dark color as he gets the light he needs. also be prepared for him to move soon he will start to look for a place that will give him the light and current that he wants and will move to find it.


Active Member
yea i put him right where the power head is aimed, so hope he stays put lol, our green mand. goby has made one of the other rocks his home.


Active Member
not yet, we have tryed but he just doesnt care and swims away, but he will eat live brine shimp, i know not the best food, but untill we get more lr i hope it will keep him full. any tips on getting him to eat frozen food?


Some manderins never eat frozen food they need an endless supply of pods from what I could see in the pic of your tank you are going to need alot more live rock then you will probably need a fuge or something so the pods can multiply and not be eaten right away. I have my Condi under 80w of flouresent lighting in a 40g long tank and have had it for 6 months now the color is great and it is very happy but I do feed it every other day. Good luck with your anemone and the manderin.:)


If you can't do a fuge you could do a small rock rubble pile in one corner of your tank for the pods to breed and hide in.


Active Member
yea were getting about 25 to 30 lbs of lr next week, and have 16 lbs in there right now, was thinking of getting about 5 lbs of rubbel rock for them to live/breed in, when we get enough lr for the fuge we will do that too. do you have a pic of your anemone? just want to see what others look like :)


Unfourtunatly your anenome is bleached, so you need to feed it because it isn't going to be getting any energy from the lights.
And as far as the manderin goes, 100 pounds of LR is normally recommended to sustain an appropriate pod population. In a 55 gallon you are obvioulsy going to have to go will less than that so I would recommmend you look into setting up some type of refugium.