new anemone


thats why I asked they are really hard to get to eat frozen foods. they have to have enough pods for a continuse buffet of pods to eat or the will slowly starve. something else are you feeding live adult brine or newly hatched brine.
if you are feeding adult then its not getting much out of them at all the nutrient value is gone in just a couple of days after hatching. so try to get baby newly hatched for him to have the best chance. or do a trade in until you can offer one what it needs to survive in your tank.


Can't wait to get another clown for my anemone, but right now my damsel has chosen to host it, just seems that the anemone does not like the domino...............:(


damsels are actually part of the anemone fish family but the are more aggressive going into the anemone and can irratate it but they usually move on with a few weeks unlike the clowns that will live in them .


Active Member
yea our anemone spit up the food we gave him last night and floped to the tank floor, dead, im very upset about this and the lfs WILL get a ear full about this. as far as the mand. gody, we are going to give him like a week after we put the new lr and ls in next week, if he isnt doing any better we know a good lfs that would take him in, dont want to see him die. and we are planing of setting up a fuge, but only problem is is that we know you put the lr in a small tank next to your tank you want the pods in, but how do you set up the pipe work to get them into the tank?


Active Member
I'm going to try to help here a little OK? I have limited info but,
1. The first thing you have to take care of is your lighting. Lamp lighting is not going to do anything for your tank. You are going to need power compact or vho. You have to have a spectrum that is proper for the tank. There are many to choose from at your lfs or do a google search on power compact or vho lighting. Research it and decide what you want to go with.
2. The second thing you need to take care of is your live rock. Your mandarin is not going to make it barring a miracle. You do not have nearly enough live rock to sustain the pod population necessary for the mandarin to thrive. You need to get your lfs to take it back if at all possible. The other live rock problem you have is if you add the 25 -30 lbs even if it is cured you are going to have another cycle and that will kill the manderin. Your clown may or may not make it.
So my advice to you is get the correct lighting to meet your needs after researching it. In the meantime you can go ahead and add the live rock as the lighting should not be a big issue with it and cycle your tank. But, first you really need to get mandarin out and somewhere safe. Sorry to hear about the condy but, you have been the victim of some well, not so good advice. You can also search this board using key words and get a lot of help.
What kind of filtration? size of tank?
Good luck!


Active Member
yea we know the lighting isnt good enough, we also plan on getting a compact next weeek, forgot to say that, we have a 36" light on top of it, and as far as the lv for the pods, we are getting 25 to 30 lbs in a week, same time we get the light, its VERY nice rock, last time we got it at that lfs, we had very little to no die off at all, so if we scrub the dead stuff off it should be ok. but we are going to get rid of the goby anyway next week when we get all that stuff :( we know he wont make it other wise, been trying to get him to eat frozen food but wont.


Active Member
well i was just looking on the net at a bunch of different lights, and got to thinking, will my current fixture work for a VHO or do you need a VHO fixture? here is my lighting fixture, dont know the brand or anything, but it is 48" long with room for a 36" bulb, holds one bulb.


Active Member
also next week if i get time im going to build a stand to hold that off the top of the tank about 6", dont like it sitting on top, looks tacky ;)


Active Member
No, if you get a vho or pc set you get the "fixture" along with it. If you build your own hood then you will need what's called a retrofit kit with ballast and you screw it into the inside top of the hood. For instance, I bought a brand called hellolights at my lfs and it came with everything I needed. Icecap is also an excellent brand and sold on this site. I have that too. I'm talking vho which is what i use. PC's will come in similar configurations with everything you need.


the light fixture you have now is only built to handle 40 watts, nothing more.. where as a pc or vho light fixture can handle up to 440 watts and probably more..
if you just change the bulbs you have in your fixture now you still will only have 40 watts of light... you need more. hth :)


While a VHO bulbs will actually fit in the fixture, it is the ballast that wont work. The ballast wont ba able to provide the right amount to the VHO bulb and it wont start.


Just a quick note, watch the condi. I had a condi, HUGE condi, and was doing great in the tank. I fed it krill every other day, then it snapped, went crazy, ate 4 of my fish, and started to hunt down a yellow tang till i took the condi out, put him in the toilet adn wee wee'd all over him. No, I didn't really do that. I did give em' away. No pet store wanted him cause of the fact he was eating fish like crazy. The person i gave em' to wasn't that good of a friend, and well, it ate all, repeat ALL of his fish...and shrimp. Damn thing hunted them down it seemed like. Just a note. Myself, I'll probably try again w/ em...not 100% sure though. They do make the tank beautiful, specially when their all fanned out.
Well, that's my 2cents anhow. Good luck and keep us posted.