Active Member
A few days ago I had an idea for cyano removal. I'm not sure if it is going to work, but lucky for you I will find out as early as tomorrow... So here's what it is. I have a fairly large sump for my dt. A 20 gallon sump for a 30 gallon dt. I have figured out that I have no phosphate or nitrate. I have made the assumption that this is due to the cyano consuming it. Every time I try to remove it, I just end up kicking it up and it remains in the water to feul more cyano. Here's my idea to try to remove it and it was quite simple actually. I decided to turn the light from the dt off for 4 days to get rid of the cyano in it and turn the refugium light on 24/7 to culture it in the sump. I also got rid of the powerheads in the refugium so it would grow better. So now I have a clean dt, a super duper cyano saturated sump, and good levels. My plan (as you may have figured out) is to disconnect the sump and do a complete water change in it. So my question to you is: Do you think it will work?