New Aqaurium



Hey everyone.... I just bought a 29 Gallon Oceanic Bio-Cube... I am going to put live sand in it and some live rock...I have been told to let it mature. My question is what else do i need? do they make a univeral test kit for saltwater? when can i add some hermit crabs and snails to help clean it ?? i would like to eventually make it a Hawaiian themed aquarium with a Humu Humu and some other Hawaiian area species..any advise?? thanks guys....this forum has helped me out GREATLY....thanks in advance


I have a biocube 29, let me know if I can answere any questions for you. Right now you don't need anything else. Make sure you use RO water and be patient. Let your tank cycle. I am not an expert on triggers, but I beleive a Humu will get way too big for the biocube.


Hey thanks for the info....thats why i use this post...i will wait till i become better and get a bigger tank for a Humu...i am guess RO means real ocea....***** is next door and they have RO that going to be ok??? not sure how good those BIG pet stores are... will RO mean that i wont really have to worry about chemical levels as much as tapwater??? when can i add plants and live rock???? thanks again


RO means "reverse osmosis". It is a very pure water. I would suggest you take everything VERY slow and do some reading in the archives on this site and maybe get a beginner's book, thats waht I did!


thanks...hope i am not buggin you .... but do you have a heater on your bio-cube and if so where do you have it placed???


I have a 58g and i have been told that its too small for a Picasso aka Humu Humu Trigerfish, so my advice would be to research before you do anything and if you cant find something out the boards are always great place for questions. good luck