New Aquapod 24


thanks guys... from what I read in another thread, all the orange/brown spots on my rock and sand are diatoms? they're spreading fast!


The LFS said not to put a single thing in my tank until the cycle finishes and this is all part of the cycling process and to give it another week.


Another thing, I've also noticed that there are numerous amounts of bubbles starting to come outta my sand. Anybody know whats up with that?


My tank has been cycling for 2 weeks now and I believe it is finished.The levels are as follow:
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
SG: 1.023
There is an obnoxious amount of powdery like algae all over the glass and you can hardly see in it. Now should i do a water change before I get my CUC or let them take care of it then do a water change a week later?


Active Member
the tank is looking absolutely great man, it sucks it took so many tries to get one going, but hey, at least you finally got one thats in one piece LOL


Thanks dude. If anyone can help me out with the CUC questions so I can get the show on the road lol


Active Member
id love to help out man, but im just as new as im guessing you are LOL if not newer, cause i dont even have a tank yet LOL


Originally Posted by mz3bmx
My tank has been cycling for 2 weeks now and I believe it is finished.The levels are as follow:
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
SG: 1.023
There is an obnoxious amount of powdery like algae all over the glass and you can hardly see in it. Now should i do a water change before I get my CUC or let them take care of it then do a water change a week later?


Active Member
my answer would be yes. If your levels went up, then went down to zero, i would say you cycled. After 2 weeks, that is fast but if you got live rock and live sand in there, then its believable. I'm guessing the bubbles in the sand was the bacteria converting the nitrites into a gaseous nitrate form. I would prefer if you got more than just my opinion, but that is my take. Good luck


Active Member
Ur aquascaping looks nice!
as for a CUC
over time im not a fan of hermit crabs I just feel they do more damage than good.
id get.. and not all at once but over a period of time
8-10 Nass
8-10 Cerith
Both of those are small snails
3-5 Astrea
1-2 Turbos
If you like little crabs get..
1-2 blue leg hermits
1 emerald crab maybe
For cool inverts and pending on what fish u get
3-5 sexy shrimps
Pom Pom Crabs
Sexy/Fire shrimp


What sort of damage do hermit crabs do? Because all the CUC packages I've seen comes with like 20 hermit crabs for the nano packs.


Active Member
That is marketing. Hermit crabs knock corals over, kill snails, and have been known to occasionally munch on the coral themselves
They are completely unnecessary.


Active Member
After only two weeks you are not ready for anything yet IMO.
I believe you should wait another two weeks during which time you would feed the tank a little fish food every other day and monitor ammonia and nitrite every day to see it continues to show a spike. This will help you to build a larger base of bacteria to take care of the bioload you will be introducing.
This is JMO FWIW.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
After only two weeks you are not ready for anything yet IMO.
I believe you should wait another two weeks during which time you would feed the tank a little fish food every other day and monitor ammonia and nitrite every day to see it continues to show a spike. This will help you to build a larger base of bacteria to take care of the bioload you will be introducing.
This is JMO FWIW.
+1 just be patient, but it never hurts to have a plan


Greatly appreciate the help guys. What do I do about the abundant amount of algae in the tank? Should I do a water change within the next 2 weeks while I wait for the cycle to finish?