heres my tank a week after setting it up. i put live rock and sand same at time then added the fish later that same day. am i going to fast. but everything seem to be going great together so far.
yes i am cycling with the demsel and not plannin to add fish for another couple of weeks. but does that goes the same for inverts... i put two demsels to start but one kill the other so now i have one left.
I think the cycle killed it, I hate when LFS try to make money by selling damsels as "cyclers."
Do not add anything alive until the cycle is complete (all parameters reach 0).
i found some bristleworms in my tank. i might have at least 3 or 4 that i've seen. should i try to remove them or buy a fish to eat them like a dottyback
catching those worms is hard work. i tried useing a tweezer but as soon as i touch them they crawl right back into its hole. heres a pic of one of them.
Originally Posted by aquaguy24
i found some bristleworms in my tank. i might have at least 3 or 4 that i've seen. should i try to remove them or buy a fish to eat them like a dottyback
Leave the bristle worms in your tank. They are great detritus eaters and very beneficial if there isn't an overpopulation of them.
well test water couple days ago and got ammonia 0, nitrate 0, nitrite 0, ph 7.8, salinty 1.023. temp. 79 but always change as the lights stay on.i did a water change and did a test the next day and got the same i added more live rock and 2 cleaner shrimp and three turbo snails. heres some pics.
yeah that is. i was still thinkin of moving it but i guess i'll do that now since i read up on it and can multipy fast. how would i do that tho. im still tryin to catch my demsel before i put fish in there. the demsel gives the shrimp a hardtime when they get close to eachother.
You need to raise the pH level. 7.8 is too low. The lowest it should be is 8.0.
Keep it between 8.0 and 8.4 and you'll be fine.
May need to get a pH buffer.
thanks for the adives. i thought it was too low kinda low myself but i read in another thread some chic had the same ph reading but was told if nothing wrong with live stuff she had in her tank it should be fine. i'll look into raising the ph.