Stephenie - Welcome to Saltwater Fish Forum, you've come to the right place.
Your LFS = Local fish store person may have told you to add fish right away to get the bacteria going, getting the bacteria going is the right idea, however it is very stressful to the fish, other methods have been found to work wonderfully as well. Like the suggestion of adding raw cocktail shrimp, this decomposes and starts your ammonia cycle and your on the road to cycling your tank. Others suggest damsals or other fish to start the cycle, however they are hard to get out later if you have live rock.
The cloudiness can very well be because of the ammonia. This phase should last only a few days to a week. Your nitrites will last longer.
Do not add the fish, and then only after you have researched the needs and habits of that fish, or ask here.
Glad you came here first, come back often.
Anything else?