new aquarium, what fish?



Hi everyone. I am new to the whole salt water fish thing. I am thinking of buying a 50 gallon tank. I want to have (at least) some clown fish and a green carpet anemone. So two questions.... #1: which clown fish is best suited to that anemone? #2: what other fish, bottom feeders, and live rock are best suited to those two? Any help is greatly appreciated!


i would suggest reading everything you can on the newbie forum. as a newb myself, i am still learning so much by just sitting here and reading and reading and, well you get the idea.


Active Member
This is a whole new world and A LOT of research must be done before you do anything! :D
Read the thread at the top of this forum to start. You'll have to know about equipment and cycling the tank, and when you can add fish. There is a lot involved.
Anemones are some of the most difficult animals to keep and have very specific requirements. You will need very good lighting - nothing like what typically comes with a tank, nor power compact lights, IMO. Definitely research and do not rush into buying them. Wait at least 6 months after cycling before adding the anemone.
In the mean time, do searches for "live rock, live sand, protein skimmer, cycling" to start (many covered in the first info thread).


amen to that. i bought an anemone without the proper lighting and he crawled under a rock and died. i had to pull him out with a net and i do not wish that kind of smell on ANYONE! it was quite literally the WORST smell i have EVER smelled!
good luck...


The whole no anenoem with a pc light fixture just wrecked my dreams hahaha is the anenome even worth spending $450 dollars ona light for anyway?


Stay away from anemones. They require high lighting, perfect water condtions, and on top of that, they die. The success rate for the home aquarium is 20%...that's not good. Clowns will accept some soft corals as their host. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! If you are going to ignore my advice and buy one anyway, you need to have a tank set up for a minium of six months, have R/O D/I water and VHOs or M/H. These guys are for the experienced aquarist. You're doing a good job by asking around, but as you will learn, they're certain things most aquarist should avoid like anemones, mandarin gobies, moorish idols, cowfish, and others that I cannot think of right now.