New Aquarium


Ok guys so since my 10 gallon isn't working out too well (since i came into the hobby very naive and uneducated), I am purchasing a 30 gallon with stand and keeping two 10 gallons (one for fresh water holding tank and my old one for saltwater holding tank). Now here is my question...
I want to set up and cycle the 30 gallon perfectly. Can some one lead me in the right direction?
I already have a filter and will be purchasing new lighting (since the lighting the tank comes with is crappy). As for lighting, i am very happy witht he coral life lighting, but unaware as to what i should really be buying.
I will be using LS this time, and will be buying more LR. How much should I get for a 30 gallon? I alreayd have about 4 in the 10 gallon and it looks cramped, but i figure i can build up instead of out.
I really want to set up this tank perfectly and let it cycle LONG enough this time, then i will tranfer fish into it. I then plan on cleaning out the 10 gallon and cycling that with LS and LR to use as a hospital tank if needed.
I have so many questions and would really appreciate all the help I can get. if anyone can lead me in the right direction i would greatly appreciate it! Im very fond of many of your tanks and would love to be able to get well into the hobby that soon i can help answer questions rather then be the questionnaire... PLEASE HELP ME!


I fanyone else can give me some feedback about starting it up, i'd really appreciate it. i don't want to start anything until i'm 100% positive that i'm doing ti correctly now. My fish in my tank now are thriving, 2 tomato clowns, 2 damsels, a yellow tang and a lawnmower belnnie.... All look healthy, but I know I can do better..... My bubble tip anemone just closed up 15 minutes ago and it always worries me... So if anyone wants ot give me some detail and specifics on how to set up and what t put it and how much ID LOVE IT!


Mama Mia, I thought I was overstocked, you've got all that in a 10gal? You better upgrade to a 55gal or part w/ a few fish. The rule of thumb is 5 gallons for every 1" of fish. At that calculation a 30gal would be good for the clowns only. You could keep the damsels (if they're small like y-tails) in the 10gal, but one would be best. Sand I went w/ 80lbs and LR 60lbs in a 55gal. 4-5 watts per gal is the light formula I used. I've got 260w PC. I have Seio 1100 for a pwrhd, but wish I had put 2 smaller ones(1 on each side)like 620's to get better flow. I'm not flameing you, I did the same thing as far as fish(had alittle help too), but plan to go to a 125gal after the first yr(which is about here). Cycled my tank Dec'05


Yea,, i told you iwas very uneducated. My Pet Shop steered me in the wrong direction. They had me purchase the crappiest items and told me such wrong things. I'm finally learning so wehn i set up the 30 gallon, i plan on getting rid of the 2 damsels (which are very small and territorial) and keeping 2 clowns, tang, and blennie. I need more rock, but what syour advice on cycling? Should i buy a book? As corny as funny as it sounds, maybe i should i buy a book read it and figur eit out!


Basically, when your Ammonia/Nitrite levels are at 0 and your Nitrates are low, you can add fish. I suggest you buy some test kits.


I have test kits and all my levels are good at the moment. Thats what i did the first time, my tank cycled for 3 weeks, i tested, it was perfect, i added fish, they died etc...
I want to make sure ic ycle the tank well and add the right fish, a good clean crew (which i dont know hat ones) and which fish. I want an anemone for my clowns too..... I knwo this will tank a few weeks-months so im patient to wait, I just want it cycled well this time and for it to come out good.
What kind of LS do i get? etc...


My wife bought me the "dummie" book, people here recommend the "conscientious aquarisist". I cycled mine w/ LR, which needed to be cured again after shipping, along w/ the sand and added another 10lbs of each after cycle to seed. I know about the LFS issue, I actually helped a friend do their tank a year before i did mine so I learn about all the misinformation early. I've had FW ever since I was a kid, but finally took the monetary plunge w/ Discus and decided to go SW if I was going to spend that kind of money. If your going to add more LR than cycle your tank w/ that(unless already cured and straight from the tank to yours) then add your LR that is in the 10gal, same w/ the sand.


I have figi or sugar sand they call it. you should see a spike in ammonia, then in nitrites,and finally see a little rise in nitrates. I tested every day or two and kept track of it that way. It can take longer than a month. I helped mine along w/ ammonia chips to pull the ammonia, than use "Prime" to pull the nitrites down. Probally not recommended but thats how I broke my tank in. I've never had hair algae or anything, alittle cyno on the sand for a week or two but thats it.


Your fish might have died previously due to overcrowding and stress issues. Seems like you've got a better grasp on things this time around.


Most of my fish are doing ok becuase the levels are good and there are plenty of hiding spots. I just want this 30 gallon to be done well so that the fish are healthier and so I can get 2 anemones for my clowns....
Once i start it ill let you guys in to see if im doing ok!


Definately gotta get rid of the tang... And what type of lighting are you running... I bet you don't have enough for the anenomes and they will die as well... For one I can tell you the tang will not survive and will get disease and will spread it to all of your other livestock which will cause them to die. You would be pushing it if you put the tang in a 75gal so unless you want to make a huge upgrade it will not survive... Please return the tang and other such items such as the anenomes if aren't going to meet their needs...
As stated above.. even in a 30g you will only be able to have the 2 tomatoes so return everything else or upgrade higher than a 30g.
good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by Italgal02
I have so many questions and would really appreciate all the help I can get. if anyone can lead me in the right direction i would greatly appreciate it! Im very fond of many of your tanks and would love to be able to get well into the hobby that soon i can help answer questions rather then be the questionnaire... PLEASE HELP ME!
You need about 30-40 lbs. of live rock.
As for lighting, you need at least 130 watts of power compact lighting, but I would recommend to get even more, especially for an anemone.
I am not sure what else you would like to know, but I would also recommend you get a small protein skimmer for that tank as well.
Also, the yellow tang needs a much larger tank. I would recommend taking him back to the LFS because he needs a 125 gallon to live happily and well.


This may sound like a dumb question, but how do I go about getting more light if my hood will only handle so much?
I went to 2 pet sotres and cannot find one that fits my lighting. I knwo the lighting is bad, like i said previously, i set up the tank the way my petstore said, So i'm sorry fi I offended anyone with the tang, but that is what they told me to do... Also I know my anemone is going here's a pic.... he just did this about 30 minutes ago....
Someone want to lead me to wher ei can get the lighting for the 30 gallon?? Also im going to keep the Clowns, damsels and blennie.... I think in a 30 gallon, with enough rock and LS, those fish will do fine.... I just will be getting a cleaning crew i think...


Now he is moving every once and a while and I just put him up closer to the light... Just need to know what kind of light and hood to buy for the new tank?!


Active Member
You can take the hood off your tank and put your lights directly over the water, or most come with legs you attache directly to top of tank. To keep that anenome get some T5 or vho or metal halides, nothing less will do. And i am glad you are going to take the tang back, its the right thing to do


Try online... If your tank is a standard 30g I think it is 30"... soo search for lights that are 24" - 30" long. If you need a website I can email you if you give me your email address.