New Aquarium

bamm bamm

New Member
I just switched over from freshwater to salt water a week and a half ago what Iam using is a 46 gal. bow front tank with undergraver filtration, a penguin 330 biowheel, 30lbs. of live crushed coral, and the specific gravity is at 1.023 and the temp is at a steady 76degrees I currently only have four damsels in the tank, I would like to eventually add some clown fish and possibly some anenomies, to the tank but I don't want a reef tank. Since I am new to marine tanks and not to sure of things. Does this sound like a good set up or are there things that I need that the local store didn't tell me about, I know these are dumb questions but I am so new to this and I want to learn as much as possible to be good at it..thanks everyone..


New Member
Hello, personally I would trash the under gravel filter. Never liked them,sorry. Bio wheel is good for surface movement. You need to add a skimmer if you plan on many fish, or making a reef, or want to succesfully keep fish for a period of time. A great skimmer, at a good price is the Bak Pak from CPR. IF you are going to keep anenomies you have to make sure your fish stay healthy. You can't treat most diseases with any inverts or corals in the tank. As far as your damsels, unless you really love them trade them back to your store when done cycling your tank. They are just bullies. Clowns are great fish, try getting some tank raised ones, they are even better. They are practically bulletproof, or goof proof. If you really want to learn about the hobby a great way is to find a good book. Find one that discusses set up, feeding, up keep, disease, and the general species. Try "The Marine Aquarium Problem Solver" or " The Book of Marine Aquarium" both written by Nick Dakin, and published by Tetra Press. Good luck!

bamm bamm

New Member
thanks everyone I will definately go out and get a book today, oh the damsels are history as soon as the water is cycled..

bamm bamm

New Member
Do I need more live rock or is that enough, For my tank one place told me 60lbs the other 30lbs so I went for 30lbs?


You have enough rock if you are staying fish only. It's when you go reef that you need more rock and much more sophisticated equipment. Try putting powerheads on top of the lift tubes in your ug filter, instead of just using the standard airstones. This will help alot with circulation, and get more of your water to your back filter. They aren't very expensive. Remember to stock your tank on the conservative side, due to the size of your tank, and lack of the powerful filtration.


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