Since everybody here has helped me through the whole process from purchasing equipment to setting everything up I figured I would post some pictures of the progress of my 60 gallon reef tank. Let me know what looks good and what could be improved. I like the look of the two separate islands so I built them both towards the center of the tank with powerheads on each side. They will eventually be covered with coral. Also, the last two pictures I have circled small red sponge/coral/macro algae looking growths....any idea what they are? They are popping up all over the live rock. The tank never really went through the initial cycle due to the amount and quality of the live rock. Even with adding dead shrimp and rock die off I never showed any ammonia. I am currently showing 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 5.0 nitrates. I recently added two chromis which are loving all the room to themselves lol. Can't really add any CUC yet since I have not had any algae growth whatsoever which kind of surprises me. Thanks for looking.