New arrival has ick


Staff member
Go ahead and continue the copper. Did you get the test kits? I don't see use for adding another medication. It will likely do more harm then good.
What type of hydrometer are you using? Is it the glass water float, or the one with the swing arm?


Corallife deep six swing arm type hydrometer. Still looking for the other stuff, supplies not too plentiful here. When the lights are out and the fish is resting these " whiskers " are really pronounced a good 1/16 of an inch. The fish is doing alright, but this problem still exists. Today = 85F, 1.013 salinity, Methelyne blue, PrazilPro in water now, all is OK as far as behavior goes.


so the supplier contacted me and said apologetically that the fish shouldn't have shipped out that way, and that it was in copper for some time previously, and he doesn't think more copper will help. He suggested another freshwater dip ( so I did, 3+ minutes this time ) and back into the hospital he went. Resilient little thing...........


Staff member
Originally Posted by bessycerka
Corallife deep six swing arm type hydrometer.
The swingarm hydrometer you are using is useless. Do not attempt to do hyposalinity with this instrument; it is so inaccurate that you could end up doing more harm.
Copper is a good all out treatment for many parasites. Stick with it. However, you have to get the copper levels to .5ppm and use a compatible copper test kit, such as the one made by Seachem. I seriously doubt your LFS administered copper treatment appropriately. The stores basically dump a few drops of copper in, no measurement, no maintenance of levels. All this accomplishes is to make the parasite that much more resilient to copper.
Test your salinity levels using a floating glass hydrometer, and throw away the swing arm hydrometer. You will probably have to go online to look for a refractometer, however, its well worth it to have one.


the fish was from an online fish supplier... I agree that test kits, new hydrometer, refractometer, etc are warranted, but I'm using whats available here in town. The fish ate, and was fine 5 minutes after the freshwater bath, the fish is amazing. He's probably so used to copper and this affliction that he could live in fresh or saltwater at this point!