new arrival i was disappointed with



this is about i receive a new shipment in may. number 1 two fish were dead upon arrival. 2 green chromis arrived dying of ich. 2 other fish died 2 days later. a knobby star fish was also dying on arrival also. everything else has basically died from my 3rd order. it was mailed on a hot day and it did not have cool packs in the carton. they all probably died of heat exhaustion. i emailed them only to go unanswered. when i was emailed they told me to mail their rotting little corpses back. my previous order i emailed them about anything that had died and they credit my i know sending dead fish through the mail is not the right thing to do. i even emailed the owner of the company Ryan that also went unanswered also. i guess if that is how they treat customers its time to find a new supplier. with my combination of all my orders i probably spent $400.00 +.



Active Member
Originally Posted by terry1019
this is about i receive a new shipment in may. number 1 two fish were dead upon arrival. 2 green chromis arrived dying of ich. 2 other fish died 2 days later. a knobby star fish was also dying on arrival also. everything else has basically died from my 3rd order. it was mailed on a hot day and it did not have cool packs in the carton. they all probably died of heat exhaustion. i emailed them only to go unanswered. when i was emailed they told me to mail their rotting little corpses back. my previous order i emailed them about anything that had died and they credit my i know sending dead fish through the mail is not the right thing to do. i even emailed the owner of the company Ryan that also went unanswered also. i guess if that is how they treat customers its time to find a new supplier. with my combination of all my orders i probably spent $400.00 +.

Im sorry to hear this,
i really dont intend this to bash the site in any way, bcs i have ordered from the site and my order was really good
but that is a prime exaple y u should go to the lfs to g et ur fish. not on ly can they be observed, but they have a short trip home,
once again im sorry for ur losses...



I've ordered twice now. fish both times. also shimp crabs snails and a sea cucumber. everthing was and is still healthy. both packages were acclimating
less than 24 hr. after they sent them out though. I also have a friend who orders with no problems.

Sorry to hear you have had so many problems.


Active Member
I have been ordering from this site a very long time, never had one death, not even a hermit crab. Most on line stores ask you to send the dead item back, nothing against you, but people will take advantage and claim a death, when there wasn't one.


i know people are like that. but i would not do that their prices a reasonable enough where i would not cheat them. i know my first 2 orders were fine. i do not know what happen to this one. i emailed them 8 times only to be ignored.


Active Member
we ordered a scooter blenny and it didnt live, but then i hear they dont travel well, we also had trouble getting a reply back from them i prsonally was not interested in shipping a corpse so it stopped there for me that is their way of insuring they don't get screwed(for lack of a better term)... this is no small operation they got here ,probably thousands of emails and orders a day -did you send the fish back? if you didnt then do it and you will get 'store credit'


Try them Monday. They have been good at making things right with my friends and I when once in a great while something messes up. Had a ups man bounce a package off my door once. Never thought I could scare someone in my pajama's that badly. Radiant wrasse was ok.


I have ordered almost everything from this site....LFS kinda sucks on stocking. I have always got great fish, I had a clownfish die after about a week and I sent it back to them and the credited my account with the purchase price. I have only good things to say about this online store....Just awesome


unfortantly i flushed their little bodies they were smelling so bad. my previous orders i did not have to send the dead fish or other sea creatures back. i have been emailing them since May 25th. so i do not think another email will do any good. my last email was last thursday. they won i gave up. a lesson learned.



Active Member
This post has been moved to a forum where admin can actually see it and help with the situation. However, it is their policy to send the fish back. If you do not choose to do this, that is your choice, but they are limited in what they can do in response.