New Arrival


I was at the lfs today and saw this and thought what the hay...It looks soo I brought it home...
What do you think???



Have fun taking care of it, make sure that its gets plenty of food and light.i had one and those things are hard to take care of..


Active Member
I've bought 2 of those things .. the first one died and the one I have now isn't doing so well .. good luck with yours .. I don't know what it's called though ..


Active Member
Originally Posted by LedZep fan
Those look more like green star polyps. IMO. They are pretty easy to keep if they are GSP.

That definitely dosen't look like GSP to me.


New Member
I think it's a Pulsating Xeniidae, ours have split a few times and I love watching them eat... like little fingers:).


I know that it is a Goniopora "Flower Pot"...I have to spot feed? What do I feed it and how often??????


Leafer, I have had a flowerpot coral for several months now and I spot feed mine mysis shrimp on the days when I feed the rest of my corals. It loves meaty foods and is thriving in my tank and my Clarkii clownfish love him. This is by far my favorite coral.


Active Member
Very hard to take care of as they do not live in captivity very long. My LFS actually warned me against them as they will not survive. Good luck with yours.


yes they are are very hard to take care of considering they like nutrient rich water and we spend alot of time trying to get rid of the bad nutrients in our tanks. good luck with it. they will usually last about a year before they start to decline in health.i think mine has been around for about a year and a half but only 6 months in my tank. very hard to take care of but cool to look at. again good luck!


Originally Posted by hot883
Very hard to take care of as they do not live in captivity very long. My LFS actually warned me against them as they will not survive. Good luck with yours.
could not agree more. id stay away from these unless you REALLY want it to live. its not worth the cost. they are beautiful corals though. and yes, its a gonipora or flower pot coral.