new at this with new tank


New Member
I have a 75g tank. I have 200lbs of playground sand and 100lbs of ls. I also have 100lbs lr. What I need to know is what else i need for my tank before i can get it up and running? I know i need power heads, i just don't know how many? Filters? Pumps? Heaters? What kind, how many watts? im pretty clueless here. Anything else that i need? I appreciate your time:p


Well to give you a better answer we need more info. Does the tank have a built-in filter system?


New Member
no built in filter system, its just a plane ol' tank... nothing pre drilled for over flow, i figure i will dill them out myself


New Member
another easier question.... im looking at powerheads, if i get three, how many gph should the each be?


the higher the better in SW but you dont want them so powerful that it will blow everything from one side of the tank to the other.
I use the hagen 802's and the put off a good amount of current without blowing things all over. so I think something campareable would suffice. but if you can go higher then by all means do so it will help out in gas exchange and deadspots.


heater I like heaters aliitle higher rated than my tank. I cant remember the ratings though but I thinka 250 watt is what a 75 calls for. plus get one extra to add in set a little lower than the main one. that will help if one goes out and the water temp starts to drop.
are you planning a sump or anything like that? that will determine what water pumps etcc that you will need. but most all of your filtration is going to be the LR and LS>


New Member
I looked up 802's and see that they push out 400gph. Do you have two of them for your 100g tank or three?
The 802's are cool i have one in my 55 gallon two should be enough for the top and middle but you probably will need some circulation for dead spots aroun your live rock so try a 402 for that.:p


I have 3 in my 100 along with a full lenght spray bar across the top of the tank supplyied by a mag 7 in the sump.


First off, What is your goal for tank? Is it going to be a fish only tank or do you want it to be a reef at some point?