Seriously, are you people really complaining about 5%. I'm not saying I want to pay it but seriously...have you ever ran a business? nothing is free. They purchased the site, they host the site, they manage and monitor the site and they create the many forums that we love to use FOR FREE! Just add 5% to any agreed upon price (Call It SWF Tax) and move on. Its still nicer to browse here (FOR FREE) instead of always driving to the LFS. 5%? I would have lost 10x's that from trying to learn how to do all this stuff by trial and error. How much money do you think they lose every year by hosting a forum for their competitors, who by the way are you selling your goods that they also sell on THEIR site. You don't see Starbucks selling Dunkin Donuts Coffee. Just my thoughts...I would gladly pay a 5% fee to SWF to keep the Board open.