New Babies!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by barchtruong
yeay, congrats.
how are you going to feed them? and what are you going to feed them with?
Thanks! With tweezers
sorry, couldn't resist. Keeping Dwarf seahorses(ponies) means that you are constantly hatching baby brine shrimp. The ponies only eat live food. So when babies come along, I have to make sure I feed the bbs sooner, so they don't get too big.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Looks great! How hard is it to get them to breed?
The ponies breed like mollies. Their life span is a little over a year from what I've read.


Active Member
Originally Posted by addicted2
oh my!! They are soooo cute! congrats!!!!!!!

Hence the "addiction"
I got these ponies from Bronco300.