New Baby Lion!


Active Member
Thank you but I think is a little bit too far for me but the next time that I'll go to Riverhead I'll check that store out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Thank you but I think is a little bit too far for me but the next time that I'll go to Riverhead I'll check that store out.

Yeah, its a bit of a hike from Brooklyn. I went to one of the shops in Brooklyn last year though. Dont remember the name but I remember they had some outrageous prices on live rock and 2 of my buddies thought it worth the ride in.


Whats all cloudy, your water?
Did you do a water change yet?
Did you test your water yet?
Are your fish breathing heavy?


i lost too my lionfish in my days. Every store wanted to sell me guppies. Death by fresh water fish! They have too much fat and caused liver enlargement. Fresh water fish are fatty and no nutriention. I would never by a lion fish under 5 inches cause they are big enough to be intised by krill dancing on a string. I got a good tongue lashin on this form for feeding my lion fish guppies. I stop and starved him till he ate krill. Two days later sucess. I have had him for a while now and he eats everything. Beef heart, shrimp, scallops, krill, and more. Never guppies or silversides...too fatty. YOu can kill a reptile the same way.


Active Member
Silversides are not too fatty. Silversides are a saltwater fish, a fish that a lionfish could naturally feed on in the wild.
Sometimes starving the fish does not work, and the aquarist has to resort to ghost shrimp. This is okay. Ghost shrimp gut loaded with nutrients is not bad for your lion at all while he weans onto frozen.
The hotel Atlantis in the Bahamas breeds silversides at their hotel for their volitan lionfish display tank. The lionfish seem to love this, as most of the lions there are maxed out at their 15".
By the way, I am sorry to hear you lost your fish.


I agree with the ghost shrimp gut loaded, but the beef heart well I don't think I would feed this. I have read about people feeding beef heart just can not remember what the issue was with it.
fallnhorse you may be right about the silversides, do you have more info on this topic or articles? I have seen talk lately (the last few months) about the silversides not being the best choice because of the fat content in them. For me that is a wait and see issue but I would not rule it out.


Active Member
the 1st night he was takin in some krill its just my anenome got overfeed by my clown so it spit it up overnight n the tank was cloudy in the morning n i couldnt stay home bc i have skool wich stinks!


I'm also interested in knowing if the silversides are too fatty, because silversides and krill are all I feed my dwarf lions.


i have a vol lion about 3" the lfs told me there feeding him silversides so thats what i feed him 1 small pice 2x a day with a feeding stick he seems to love it


Active Member
Silversides are absolutely fine, as long as they are APART of the diet and not the ENTIRE diet. Krill, mysis, silversides, chopped squidd, and similiar things should be offered. If your lion is a little finicky, at least use vitamins to ensure he is getting enough nutrition. Zoe, Selcon, and VitaChem are my favorite vitamins.


I'm also interested in knowing if the silversides are too fatty, because silversides and krill are all I feed my dwarf lions.
Well keep feeding them for now.....
But lion is right, you should be feeding a variety of foods, soaked in vitamins. Feed more than just silversides & Krill....