new baby


i went to bed last night and when i turned the light on this morning my shark egg hacthed. so iam going to order 100 white shirmp today so its got some food in there. iam also going to try scallops to. it should be at least 72 hours before its hungry i hope.well thats all i have to say for now.


Do you have any tips on hatching cuase I'm planning to get the same type shark within the next few day if all pans out
can you tell me things like:
Water temp
incubation time(how long it takes to hatch)
feed when hatch( the only thing i no is they might not eat for a week)
growth rate
special equipment
your help would be greatly apricated


my water temp is around 68 to 70. i used a feeder clip to hold the on the side of the tank. i had mine for 3 weeks then it hacth. they usely hacth at night. iam going to get white shrimp for it to feed on. i can get 100 of them for 20.00. and it takes them anywhere from 72 hours up to a week before they are ready to feed. that has been my experince. hope this helps.


i got it to eat a small piece of silver side yesterday. iam odering white shrimp today for it. here is new pics.



is the shark in the first to the same as the last?nice ghost eel im planning to get one how are the are they agresive do they eat other fish bigger than them?


no the last one is my female brown banded cat shark. the ghost eel does not bother anything. it follows the shark around when its eats and pick up the mess.