new begginings


New Member
i have a 75 gal reef tank with starfish, hermit crab, feather duters and 3 tangs, damsels and what not... i have a fluval canister filter and a berlin air lift 90 protein skimmer i'm working on improving my lightings. what else do i need? how do i get rid of oily film on water surface? all fish r gr8 and in good health.
i also plan on investing in a much larger tank. what the ideal size (WxHxD)? ideal light? ideal filtration? and what else do i need? can i use old tank to start up new one(bacterial cycle...etc)?
last but not least when i move how can i move the aquarium? how can i save the water? what should i do with the fish?
thanks a million guys. you've always been great!!


As far as ideal filtration (I don't believe one canister and a skimmer is adequate for a reef of that size, let alone a bigger one) I think I'll let Reef Ranger field that one, He likes promoting his favorite stuff. AS far as moving though, find a fish sitter if you can. (my lfs won't but someone else said theirs will) Otherwise move the aqarium last, and into the new place first. Don't worry as much about the water as the substrata and the media in the canister. Get your new tank going asap, let it run a few hours at least, and then acclimate the fish as though you just brought them home from the lfs.


personal prefreance is what I say ... depends on how much monies you have and how much room ..... good luck>>>>[


New Member
I will let someone with more knowledge answer the quetions involving reefs, but what i will reply to is this. The oily substance on the surface is due to poor water movement on the surface. You need some water breaking up the surface, this will get rid of the oil(which I believe to be protein). It will also improve your gas exchange. I move quite alot, if your LFS will hold your fish for a week great, if not, I agree with Kris. Keep your substrate and filter media fresh. These are the keys to a uneventful move. Good luck!