New beginnings


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I can't stand it!!!!!My seahorse plotting has kicked in, I am tearing down my office area. My current plan is to build a seahorse/play area for aria and her friends, and a place where I can sit and enjoy my tank and be with Aria. My long term plan is to grow pods and other snacks until this next christmas.
I have a 55 that I'd like to set up as a sump tank
then I'd like to keep my eyes open for a 50 to 75 square tall tank used from my lfs.
I won't be stocking the tank with horses for at least the next 6 months, so by next Christmas I should have the tank over flowing with pods.
So, God willing, I look forward to the serenity of saltwater again.



I'm so happy for you!!! Keep posting about your progress.
Are you planning dwarves again?
I'll be starting up a dwarf tank this summer, and I'm also planning to culture as many pods as I can before the ponies get here.
So, in your office; do you have the pleasure of working from home? Cool. Not many moms have that privilege.
Looking forward to 'seeing' your progress toward restarting a 'ranch'!


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I think I will be keeping ponies(dwarf seahorses)!!! If I do go with ponies, I'm going to hack up some of my 15 gallons and reseal them as a 15 gallon high tank.
~Being a stay home Mom, my boss is 7, and she can't fire me
As for my make shift works...I made my "cubby hole" in a corner of our downstairs family room. The biggest step is digging all the garbage out.
~actually the biggest step is convincing my husband Brian...


Active Member

Oh yeah..uh huh-uh huh uh huh uhhuh uuuuuuuhhuh!!!!!!!!!
The tank has been officially given the "thumbs up" by Brian.
So now we're going to rearrange our downstairs family room and make room for my aquarium there!!!!!!!!!
My plans are to set up my 15 gallon tall(for ponies), and use my 55 gallon for a sump tank. The 15 will run basically empty except for landscaping until at least August. As for the 55 sump. I'm going to stock that with DR, LS, Mollies(they are brackish~hence they do fine in either salt or fresh), crabs, snails, etc.!!!!! At some point in the future I'd like to add a refugium too.
Depending how quickly we can rearrange the family room, I'd like to have my tank up and running for my birthday on May 6th.


Active Member
congrats, Cant wait to see it.

I am waiting for the base rock I want to be back in stock so I can start my tank redo.


I am SO happy for you!! I know how it feels to get the 'go-ahead' from your honey!!

Waiting on progressive updates......


Active Member far all I've been able to do is plan the tank set up. So far all I need to purchase is a return pump for the sump. I've never had a sump tank.
This is the pump I want to get:

anyone have or used this model?


Active Member
A 55 gallon tank. I plan to stuff it full of sterilized LS and LR. Put all the tank equipment..heater etc. it it too.


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Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Happy Birthday Ryk!! So, how is the progress going???
Awe.... thank you Lisa!!!! My Birthday was great, the tank progress not so good.
Got a HUGE road block.......Brian wants to wait....
he doesn't want to rearrange the family room until my nephew moves out for summer vacation. I think he may be getting cold feet. I'm trying to be patient, but...well....I'm trying

So...while waiting I've be going through every last box of junk in my office area and cleaning and such. I thought it would be better use of my time instead of holding my breath and passing out

At least it gives me time to save some cash, and research more sump equipment...I'll keep you updated


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Awe.... thank you Lisa!!!! My Birthday was great, the tank progress not so good.
Got a HUGE road block.......Brian wants to wait....
he doesn't want to rearrange the family room until my nephew moves out for summer vacation. I think he may be getting cold feet. I'm trying to be patient, but...well....I'm trying

So...while waiting I've be going through every last box of junk in my office area and cleaning and such. I thought it would be better use of my time instead of holding my breath and passing out

At least it gives me time to save some cash, and research more sump equipment...I'll keep you updated

Mmmm, it might not be so much that Brian's got cold feet about it. Give it some time (should be used to that!!), I bet he's just waiting for the "most opportune moment"...I LOVE Pirates of the Caribbean!! E-hem... sorry. Anyway, I have every faith in you that you'll see your plan through.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Mmmm, it might not be so much that Brian's got cold feet about it. Give it some time (should be used to that!!), I bet he's just waiting for the "most opportune moment"...I LOVE Pirates of the Caribbean!! E-hem... sorry. Anyway, I have every faith in you that you'll see your plan through.
Thanks Lisa, I needed that. I spent most of yesterday rearranging the end I had to admit it was actually my excuse for not doing house chores


This is our downstairs family room, which has not yet recovered from my 55 gallon leaking 35 gallons all over the upstairs~hence leaking down onto the ceiling and stopped just short of ruining the new carpet we had just installed.
Here's what I was trying to accomplish~

But in reality, I need to wait for my nephew to move out...sigh...I have the patience of an eight year old

I'm hoping to at least set up the sump before we travel to Washington D.C. to attend Brian's brother's wedding.
I love Pirates of the Caribbean!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for reminding me of what is really important~my family.



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Finally...we have progress!!!!!!! This is the new set up in our family room~

The room is far from finished, but at least my fish tank is in place!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Finally...we have progress!!!!!!! This is the new set up in our family room~

The room is far from finished, but at least my fish tank is in place!!!!!
Looking good Ryk. I hope everything works out for you!!


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The 55 sump tank is simmering and the set up will be done by dinner time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm filling it with several deferent sizes of DS, LS, and DR. 3-4 days from now(once I scrap a few coins together) I'm going to my LFS for some live mud and live rock scraps.
I would post some pics, but my in laws hvae our camera
I'll get some up soon.


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I finally got a critter for my sump pump. A Ophiarachna Incrassata, a green brittle star~better know as "The Green Death". Very healthy and curious. Any constant vibrations near the tank and the mini "kraken" comes out to see if anything tasty is about. I've always wanted a tank dedicated to this beautiful star, and I thought that the sump would be perfect for it. It's legs are approximately 4 inches long and the body is the size of a 50 cent piece.
~dang I miss our camera


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My overflow system arrived today...... tiny problem~ NO set up instructions....after searching the web, I found the assembly instructions...only to discover that I needed a accessory plumbing package to finish the set up that I have a list of the parts I am missing I'll be taking a trip to my LFS. I hope that they'll have these parts in their bargain basement. The stinky accessory package costs almost as much as the overflow...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So close to the finish line...................arggggggh