new biocube 14


I started a nano biocube 14 for my son's school. Started it with water from my established 80 reef, live sand and live rock. Everything seems to be doing fine. will test water condition tomorrow and do a water change. The only thing I don't like is it seems like the water doesn't flow very much. Everything seems to stay on the top. I have set the tank up how biocube directions say. Should I modify it? Upgrade the filtration or any other suggestions to get the water flowing. The only limitation is that everything needs to fit inside the back. The tank is around young children and books, so can not have lots of things coming out of the tank.
Thanks, KIM


New Member
Originally Posted by kimkromann
I started a nano biocube 14 for my son's school. Started it with water from my established 80 reef, live sand and live rock. Everything seems to be doing fine. will test water condition tomorrow and do a water change. The only thing I don't like is it seems like the water doesn't flow very much. Everything seems to stay on the top. I have set the tank up how biocube directions say. Should I modify it? Upgrade the filtration or any other suggestions to get the water flowing. The only limitation is that everything needs to fit inside the back. The tank is around young children and books, so can not have lots of things coming out of the tank.
Thanks, KIM
Are you planning to have corals, or anemones? If so, you might want to try Maxi-Jet 900. I personally have MJ1200, but it seems to drain water in 3rd chamber so fast that bublles will be produced quite often. Oh, one more thing is I really won't recommand to have corals or anemones in this tank simply because of the heating problem. If you really want to have non-fish animals, you might want to get a chiller as well, which will cost too much in my opinion for nano tank. Other than that, replace those bio-balls with live rock rubbles. Hope this will help!


Active Member
Get the mj900 it puts out a very good amount of flow with little wattage (less heat).The reason Ec is having heat problems is because he has the mj1200, which has almost twice the wattage than the mj900 and not that much stronger. You can run a completely heathy bio-cube with corals without a chiller.


New Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
Get the mj900 it puts out a very good amount of flow with little wattage (less heat).The reason Ec is having heat problems is because he has the mj1200, which has almost twice the wattage than the mj900 and not that much stronger. You can run a completely heathy bio-cube with corals without a chiller.
Yeap, you are right! Since the water drains so fasat, the motor is like running "dry," therefore the temperature go way higher than using other models (900, 600, etc.).
Plus, you might not need skimmer as well. Tank's too small, not a lot of "working" nano protein skimmer available, and another motor, another heat source.


New Member
Yeap, I solved the problem 2 weeks ago by adding a external filter bypassing water from 1st chamber to 3rd chamber. And guess what? Water level is always great in 3rd chamber now :D