Pistol Shrimp - Synalpheus
Color: The Pistol Shrimp has a varied color.
Size: The Pistol Shrimp may grow to 2 inches.
Diet: Carnivore.
Feeding: It likes to eat eats meaty bits of seafood, and detritus.
Behavior: The Synalpheus species is generally peaceful toward other tankmates.
Care: Many consider the Synalpheus species a low-maintenance specimen. Not venomous.
General notes: The Pistol shrimp is best know for the symbiotic relationship in which it shares with shrimp gobies. Will eat most any food. This shrimp is usually heard and rarely seen as the 'snapping' sound is the shrimps way of warding off any nosey trespassers into it's burrow. It makes this sound with a special appendage and can punch holes in crustacean exoskeletons. Most Invertebrates, including shrimp require very long and slow drip acclimation process of at least 2 hours as they cannot adjust quickly to even small changes in pH, temperature, alkalinity and other parameters. Like all snails, this species is intolerant of extreme nitrate levels (over 20) and cannot live in tanks that have had copper-based medications dispensed.
Water parameters: Keep water quality high (SG 1.023 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Origin: The Pistol Shrimp is commonly collected from Indo-Pacific.