Almost three weeks ago, I downgraded my 90gal to a 24 Gal Biocube. The day I broke down my 90 gal, I transferred 30lbs of sand and close to 35lbs of live rock and water from the old tank into my brand new BioCube. Nitrates were a little high, so I did an immedate 10% water change to bring them down. Stock I transferred is 2 brittle star fish, snails, hermit and emerald crabs, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 CB Shrimp, 1 Maroon Clown, 1 lawnmower blennie, and two small fish I don't remember the names of. Up until today, all were eating well and playing well together. I was actually quite impressed with the system. Tonight at feeding I noticed all the fish were dead. Snails, crabs, stars, and shrimp all fine. Fish....all dead. No spots could be seen and they never showed signs of stress. Nitrates are at 5-10. Everything else looked good. I was told by LFS I didn't need to cycle because I was pullting sand, water, and rock out of my old tank so I didn't need to. Any suggestions? Thanks.