new black and white clowns


welp i went to another fish store today and saw these little black and white clowns. so i went ahead and picked them up. here is a pic they are floating in the tank. ill try to get better pics later.


crypt keeper

Active Member
Mysis shrimp. I have one that is about an inch and its like a shark in water when i drop in some mysis. Good luck they are gorgeous


yep picked up a sheet of the frozen mysis with the fish once i put them in the tank ill prolly drop in some mysis a few minutes after, the guy in the sotre fed them while i was there, he used some of the dead pods i guess that came from a plastic container from the fridge. the male only took a couple bites guess he wasnt to hungry but the female is a little pig lol


i just droped them in my tank and it seems that its a workout for them to swim, should i try and defuse my current somehow or just leave em be. i read somehwere that a couple people lost some clowns due to possible exhaustion. since they are real small it might be a strong current for them

crypt keeper

Active Member
Watch how they react. If they struggle to get to it then sure why not? It will only help and be off for a few minutes.

crypt keeper

Active Member
also are these your first pair of clowns? If so pay attention to them every day for a few minutes a day and make sure they are strong and healthy. Look into the disease section and read up on the specific disease these fish attract. Its called brooklynell or something of that nature. Im not trying to scare you but just a saftey net. Since they are so small if they do possibly have something and you catch it fast enough then you will have a better chance of helping them recover.


here is a pic of them after i added them into the tank. looks like they got some specks on them but its really mysis shrimp i put some in before taking the photos. they both appeared to take a couple bites of it as it floated past them but they didnt give chase. i dont think they want to leave the spot they are in for now.

crypt keeper

Active Member
they are young and gorgeous! They will progress to all black as the grow older. Meaning that orange will eventually go bye bye. I would leave the lights off for the rest of the night and a good portion of tomorrow. This will help them acclimate better.


thx for the info crypt, the fish guy told me about that disease, said its common among clowns, and that it will look like some sort of slimy coating but i will definalty look in the disease thread.
and yes this is my first pair of clownfish, i also have a diamond goby i added last night also a little one. and those are the only 3 saltwaterfish i have ever owned. so i am learning lots and have been surfin the boards and researching for many months.

crypt keeper

Active Member
how big is your tank? Clowns are bulletproof fish. They are very hardy and will eat anything. They will grow accustomed to you and will rush to the top everytime you open it for food. They will pop their heads out of the water as if to jump in your hand. They are really neat fish with lots of personality. When you clean their tank. They will bum rush your hand and bite the hell out of you. LOL. It freaks you out at first. Feels like a little needle prick that didnt brea the skin. Good luck. You seem to have a healthy fat pair.


ohh forgot to add that the fish guy asked if i wanted him to put a couple drops of some solution in the bag he put them in, i asked him what it did and if it had copper in it, i forgot the name of it now but he said it was to help prevent/kill some bacteria that might be harmful to them.
i said sure so he put 3 drops and that was it. he said it was some kinda "miracle" solution for clowns, i guess its used to treat a lot of stuff they might be prone to getting.
they seem ok now looks like they either found a sweet spot to kindahang around in or they got adjusted to the currents.
oh and i wont be having any trouble keeping an eye on them i spend a few hours a day staring at the tank lol watching all my inverts and stuff.

crypt keeper

Active Member
do not put any chemicals for disease in your main tank if you ever plan on keeping corals. EVER for whatever reason. set up another smaller tank if you plan on only small fish. A 10 gallon basic rectangle set up would be perfect. No sand. Maybe 5 pound of Live rock. This will be your hospital tank. Take any and all sick fish and cure them there. Any new fish keep in there for at least a month and watch for any signs of sickness. 1 fish can wipe out your entire tank and make you wanna stop this hobby. It will cost $75, to save you hundreds later on. Tank light heater filter rock and water. No sand very basic


they are in a 28g nanocube hqi right now so far its just 20 lbs sand, 35lbs rock with and the stock so far is
2 black and white clowns
1 diamond goby
2 emerald crabs
1 pom pom crab
6 astrea snails
2 turbo snail
5 nassarius snails
4 scarlet hermits
1 fire shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
the clowns and the diamond goby are the only fish i plan to have for a while, now that i have the clowns i want to add a couple corals. not sure if i am gonna get annenome or however you spell it, but i at least want to get something bushy that they might like to call home.
and no, i would not put any chemicals to treat any kind of disease in my main tank. ive been thinking about setting up a small hospital tank now that i have the clowns. the problem being is that i have spent so much already for what i have, i knew it would be a little on the expensive side but my wife especially didnt think it would be as much as it is, and i havent even gotten any corrals or all my fish haha.
and she doesnt even know the exact amount either tyring to camoflage some of the cost lol, but on the other hand since ive spent this much i guess she thinks its better to let me be and follow through rather then buying all this stuff and let it sit and rot lol


Is that a lot of stuff for only having your tank up and running 11 days? I am just getting back into this myself and am wondering?