new blenny


Active Member
my blenny is sitting on the bottom of my tank breathing really heavily...i just put him in my tank an hour or so ago after floating him for a half hour then drip acclimating him for about this normal should i be alarmed? all the levels are 0 or darn close...

30-xtra high

Active Member
(no offense intended), but chad... don't listen to bobby, he's got some bad advice.
no offense bobby... but when you told sombody they could put a couple full grown tangs in a 55g... i just can't listen to anything you tell people.
bobby... don't just look at "he's at the bottom"... look at "breathing heavily".
chad thats really bad. my guess is he'll die. and blennies don't normally just go to the bottom in a tank. they look for a hole and hide for a couple days.


Active Member
he might die but he might not. he should find a hole for him to make his home if he is just sitting in the middle at the bottom that is not good as well as the heavy breathing. try feeding him and things like that but just watch him closely

30-xtra high

Active Member
i can almost gaurentee if he is breathing heavily he will not eat. i'd also say your tank has a problem. blennies are really hardy, and if yours is dieing your tank has bigger problems then a dead blenny. i'd check into that if i were you...


Active Member
what other problems could there is a new tank...the other fish aren't breathing wierd...and all my levels are at zero or nearly zero


Active Member
his gills were pumping pretty hard though....i am really worried now as to what is really going on...


Active Member
it was very cold today and there was a really bad accident so it took us liek three hours to get you think this could have something to do with it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
it was very cold today and there was a really bad accident so it took us liek three hours to get you think this could have something to do with it?
No thats not it. They sit in bags over night for shipping. You may want to pull him out and put him in QT. Which would have been a good idea to do in the first place. You should always QT new stuff.
If you cant get him out then there is nothing you can do. Just watch for death and pull him out if you can when he dies.
He may live and I hope he does but it does not sound good.
Here in my story. I recently got a 6 line wrase, a goby, a cleaner shrimp and a peppermint shrimp from a fellow reefer that was taking down his tank. I know he keeps a clean tank but they went in to QT. Today is 1 month in there and about 2 weeks into it I lost the peppermint. I don't know why. But he did not stink up my show tank decomposing.
QT tanks are good.
Best of luck. I hate to loose a fish.


How's he doing today. My Midas blennie was stressed like that too and dark colors but the next day he was very active.
I'm sure you know they need holes and small caves.

30-xtra high

Active Member
how old is this tank?... has it cycled?... how much liverock? how much livesand?.... filtration, details details details plz?


Active Member
the blenny has passed he is currently dinner for my clean up crew....he was breathing so hard i felt really bad but there was nothing i could do...the powder blue tang which we put in at the same time though is doing better...i think he may have ich already but he is eating really well which is a plus!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
how old is this tank?... has it cycled?... how much liverock? how much livesand?.... filtration, details details details plz?
the tank is only a couple weeks just got done is a 55 with about 75plus lbs of lr and about a 2-3 inch sand bed..since it is a new tank i am only running a aqua clear hob right now but will soon be adding a skimmer...all the levels are at zero except trites which are at .25 i believe

30-xtra high

Active Member
powders need an established healthy tank... your tank obviously has problems if your blenny died, and your powder already has ich.
don't ask me the problem, i can't tell without being able to check over your tank (in person), but i'm tellin you... theres a problem...


Active Member
well as soon as the tang was placed in the tank i noticed a couple spots on him...i think we may have just been so excited to see him at the lfs that we didn't really look him over too well and he prolly already had ich at the lfs...he is eating well though and the clown fish and cardinal are all well as shrimp and the rest of inverts....


Active Member
i don't really understand the whole established tank established to you mean steady perameters? so a new tank then as long as the levels stay fine would be perfectly fine correct? i mean the powder tang and blenny were not eating copapods or anything like that...