new blenny


Active Member
You cant always blame yourself.
If your water was good and was up for a few weeks. The blenny coulda been sick.
I had a bad few days myself..I bought a cleaner shrimp on thur. It was dead on friday. mainly because the shipment they got in was 70% dead cause it was stuck in atlanta for to long..water got super cold..My shrimp didnt make it. I got another and all is good.
Then i bought a yellow watchman off their 2nd shipment they got friday. He died that night as well. it had a large ulcer on its side I didnt see in the store cause me and my buddy bought both the yellow's they got in..So i guess it was on the other one I didnt look at and got him. Returned him and got another cleaner and all is good.
It seems alot of people take this CYCLE to the EXTREME...I cant wait to see the flame post here. I dont really care cause I think some of the things I read are just down right retarded on how long they wait to add a stupid hermit or anything.


Active Member
Powders do need a larger tank and better environment.
An established system is where the live rock is full of beneficial fauna, the live sand is loaded with beneficial critters and yes, water parameters are real stable.
You do need to remove the tang in My honest opinion.
You should also NEVER bring fish straight home and out them in a display tank. If indeed the tang does have ICH then every fish in there has been exposed and they will all die if not treated. New arrivals need to beput into QT first to watch them for several WEEKS to ensure you are not introducing any unwanted bacteria, ich etc.


Active Member
yeah i hear yah my 30g i have noticed that when buying stuff from a particular store myself and a lot of my friends have problems with sick fish/dead fish....these fish that i purchased yesturday were from there...i always feel as though it couldn't always be there fault that i must just be doing something wrong...but maybe it is actually there fish...they have a HUUUUUUGE system but all there tanks run through one another...i only realized this a few weeks ago and i promised myself i wasn't going to buy more fish from there but then i decided i would give them another shot...they have by far the best selection so its very easy to find what you are looking for there


Active Member
i just ran to my lfs and got kick-ich...a reef safe ich remover...i started the treatment already and will continue with the suggested dosages....
my lfs said that this tang needs a 55g or larger...yes we do have the minimum tank size but still this is what they told us...


Active Member
i suppose i will have to set up a qt exactly do you do this? do you need sand and live rock and stuff or just salt water?
UPDATE: the tang is eating a lot of seaweed!! there is once again hope for the guys!


Active Member
it doesnt really work..tried it before...Just get some fresh garlic and chop it up and soak in garlic and keep doing water changes more to help with keeping everything healthy.
alot of people seem to say a QT..Personally I think a QT puts MORE stress on the already stressed fish is why its not able to fight the ich..


Active Member
it isnt supposed to heal your fish supposed to kill the free swimming ich after it drops off..Garlic will help with it on the fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
hmmmm...thats wierd...all of the marine biologists at my lfs's say that it is good stuff....
No it's total crap. Hypo salinity or copper treatments are the only way to rid fish of ich. Do a search at the top for hyposalinity.


Active Member
hypo should i just stop putting top off water in and let me salinity level rise? at what point does it become harmful to fish?


Active Member
hypo is having it low
1.009 is where its supposed to be.
This is another thing..I feel it might be very effective..but once again its going to put stress on the already sick fish.


I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but after reading some of your posts I think the best advice anyone can give you is for you to ask your lfs for a sw setup book and I.D. books for sw fish and coral(anything by Sprung is great). You'll have to do some studying but they will be great guides on what to and not to do. The $150 on three books will save hundred of dollars and heartaches. Sorry to be a downer.


Active Member
yeah i dunno i think i have a pretty good idea on whats goin on with saltwater fish...its just been a while since i cycled a tank and i have forgotten some things...i never had a problem with disease in my other tank which has been up and running for a year and a half or so....a book may not be a bad idea though to take along to hte lfs before buying things....i need to get a sattellite internet card so i can take my laptop to the lfs and research stuff before buying....


Active Member
why not just grab their books and look up what you want while you are there before making the purchase of the fish/invert/coral u want.