New Blue FIsh


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What would be a good blue fish for a 55 gallon, reef tank? It also has a mated pair tomato clowns, a yellow tang, and some other fish that i dont know? thanks in advance


Active Member
Blue/green reef chromis
Sixline wrasse (not completely blue though)
I would have said a blue hippo tang but you already have a tang...


Originally posted by Dacia
I would have said a blue hippo tang but you already have a tang... [/B]
not to mention the fact that a blue hippo tank would get too large for a 55 gal


i would definately research and consider before i put a bluehead wrasse (or any fish, for that matter) in my reef. careful research can help you avoid costly mistakes down the line! just my $0.02... :)


Active Member
There are a couple of fine looking Blue and blue and yellow dwarf angels. You have to keep an eye on them because they aren't 100% reef safe but a lot of people get away with them.


Active Member
you could get a blue shark :)
don't know, you could get a yellowtail damsel (which is mostly blue) and probably be ok since it would go in last.
but the problem I see is that you're probably close to the limit already, and the tang definitely pushes you closer to the limit. and the yellow tangs and tomato clowns are both pretty territorial from what I've ready, so whatever fish you choose is likely to catch some abuse.


Active Member

Originally posted by Pontius
you could get a blue shark :)
don't know, you could get a yellowtail damsel (which is mostly blue) and probably be ok since it would go in last.
but the problem I see is that you're probably close to the limit already, and the tang definitely pushes you closer to the limit. and the yellow tangs and tomato clowns are both pretty territorial from what I've read, so whatever fish you choose is likely to catch some abuse.


Anyone have an opinion on a Springeri's Dottyback? Just saw one for the first time in an LFS yesterday. It was pricey ($50) but very very pretty.


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Originally posted by Sula
Anyone have an opinion on a Springeri's Dottyback? Just saw one for the first time in an LFS yesterday. It was pricey ($50) but very very pretty.

Dottybacks are pretty mean to anything that looks remotely like them. Mine doesn't mess with the mandirin but has harrassed a yellow goby and a blackline Blenny to death. If I could catch it he would go exploring the "white tunnel of doom".


What kind of dottyback do you have?
Thanks for the heads up - I wouldn't want to get something that would harrass my yellow watchman goby!


Active Member
I have a bicolored one, yellow and pink. I call him Guido. I don't know what the different colored one would do with the watchman but I'd make sure before I bought, gobys are too cool to allow a thug to pick on them. I have an orange spot goby now and Guido picks on him a bit but not as bad as he did the YWG.


Active Member

Originally posted by reefraff
Dottybacks are pretty mean to anything that looks remotely like them.

LOL I don't know what it says about me. I've been attacked by them!