specific gravity is 1.022 ph is 8.0
the bags were around 75 when they came in, i increased the temp slowly and tried to keep it steady around 78. the one moved down to the ground when i turned on the lights this morning, and crawled under the rock the other has not moved. he was in the middle of the sand, but i checked him this morning and set him up on a rock, where the other fish would not bother him, has not budged, arms just hanging there. one bit my tank is 80 the only thing that is a bit goofy on my tank is trates are at about 10 or less, but there are some. trites and ammonia both 0
Also, what could have happened, my little clown was perfectly healthy last night, fed them, turned out the light and released new fish, now he is swimming in circles and very very pale. i think i am losing him, what could have caused this?
i acclimated with the drip system, had airstones running, in a 5 gallon bucket, they were in with 2 blennies and some snails.