new brown banded baby bamboo shark



Originally Posted by marinerfr
sorry i mixed them up gravity 1.023
so ohiura what advice do u give me iwill trust u seem to have alot experience

shark bait

Read this and you may have a better understanding of why people may freek out when you tell them what you have and what it is in.
Also a 29" tall may not have the room for this guy to turn in as he will be 10" or so in no time, temps over 75* and fedding to much will make him grow faster. The high temp causes the metabolism to speed up, thus fedding him more = big shark real fast.


The only thing a 29 gallon tank should be used for in keeping sharks - is hatching them out.
It's best that by the time the shark reachs 2-3 months old - he's already ready for a larger tank.
Here's a generally rule of thumb for growth of young sharks - figure in it growing about 1" per month. Since Brown Bandeds are about 6" long at birth - this means that in 3 months your shark should be about 9" long.
If it survives - the shark will eventually get to be 36-40" in length, and require large tank of at least 420-480 gallons (8' long x 3.5-4' wide x 2' high).