new BTA attachment



How can i get this anemone to not float around the tank and pick a spot or atleast attach to something and move around....
Did all my homework on em before i got him but forgot that one minor detail... forgot how light and floaty they were lol...
tank is a 29gal with a 150w hqi light on it.... i turned off my powerheads(which are covered) and he still just drifts along... i dont want to wedge it in a rock or anything if it will hurt it but right now i have it in an enclosed area with a net covering the top so it cant really float away... should i jsut leave the pwoerheads off and hope it attaches or is there a trick to it...?


Active Member
Leave it be. You will only cause harm to the anemone if you try to force it into a location. The only thing I would suggest is maybe playing it against rocks. Just leave your PH off for now until it at least grabs ahold of some rockwork.
You could grab it and gently place it against some rocks to see if it would stick to the rockwork. Doesn't mean it will stay there, but at least it won't be floating in the tank.
If the anemone continues to float (i don't mean wonder around, but truely float on the surface of the water) you may not have a healthy specimine.


try an find it a spot where it can hide a little bit, it might be still stressed an needs to feel safe again. then try to feed it a little bit not much,if it drops its food that is ok, just try again in a few days, this way it will stay where it knows it will get some food, make sure it has good water flow an can reach up for light.remember it has been through alot already you want to make it feel safe again.


About 5 minutes after i posted the thread, i looked from the side of the tank to see if it attached to the rock yet and it did... I took the net off and now its spreading out nicely. hopefully it stays there... it looks quite happy. The anem is quite green with purple tips that are bubbling up already.


Active Member
They enjoy an environment with a balance of light, flow and security. You will not stop it from moving to a location that it feels comfortable in. If any one of the above is lacking it will sacrifice one for more of the other. At this stage I would advise against feeding, the last thing it is looking for is a meal. It wants to find security and get acclimated and accustom to your tank. I agree with Lex if it continues to bounce around without footing, I would question the health of the animal. If it foots, great, let it go dont feed it just observe. In a week or 2 if you want to, you can offer it some food. It should be well established in your tank by then. HTH Good luck.



All pics w/ flash on.
Look alright to you? i took these right after i posted and it has spread its foot about 1 inch more on all sides. looks to have a firm grip bit isnt open fully yet, quite a change in lighting so i expected that.


:) thanks for the help. Hope i dont have to hear from you in the near future :D


Active Member
Sweet color variation. Very healthy looking animal. Very tan base and foot, as well as dark NATURAL looking tenticles.
Good catch, hope everything turns out well for you. Keep us posted. I would start to turn the powerheads on at this point, slowly and one at a time of course. Realize that with the change in water movement it may start moving to find a better location with more/less water movement, which is fine.


20 minutes later one of my 2 clowns has found the anemone and is checking it out occasionally. Swims around it but didnt go in yet. the anemone has moved up a tiny bit buy not much at all and seems to have a very firm footing. Starting to open up more, and i can now see the mouth which is shut completely. thanks for all the help and comments


Well, 2 days later, i woke up to find my clowns wriggling around in my new anemone! Success!!!