New build///Need Help



Yes he went right in 1st fish and just some LR in there. So i didn't quarantine him.
The price on the fish was not bad. Just send me a Pm please.
I do have a question. I want to add low end corals to this tank(such as Zoos and
such). I have never done corals before. What additives do i need along with testing
materials. I would like to get a decent amount of growth. Any help would be great.
I have a few very nice LFS locally that stock really nice premium ORA corals
along with just your basic frags and such.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by E-RoC http:///t/390379/new-build-need-help/40#post_3462861
Yes he went right in 1st fish and just some LR in there. So i didn't quarantine him.
The price on the fish was not bad. Just send me a Pm please.
I do have a question. I want to add low end corals lol, low end to this tank(such as Zoos and such). I have never done corals before. What additives do i need no additives needed, just use good quality reef salt mix along with testing the basics plus calcium, AKH and PH materials. I would like to get a decent amount of growth. Any help would be great. you will better lighting than a fish only tank requires, like T5's or 1watt LED's
I have a few very nice LFS locally that stock really nice premium ORA corals
along with just your basic frags and such.


Thanks going to get some new test gear today
and going to get my water all right and try to get
a coral in there later this week


picked this up today i know its a Zoo but any idea of what kind pics are a little bad
but it is much brigher green tested my cal too its about at 400 do i need to raise it to
about 450 Picked it up fror about 20 bucks it pretty big i like it



Went to the store today. Well i have to buy something every time i go. So i went to the frag area what you think
I picked them up for 5 bucks a pop not real sure what they are. Im new to this anything good there


So my girl asked me what i wanted for our anniversary i gave her a nice short list
1. Rapid LED BioCube 29 Summable Retrofit Kit (24 LED) 245 bucks

2. Hydor Slim Skim Protein Skimmers should be around 100 bucks



Picked this up yesterday
LFS called it a pompom xeniapulsing xenia got two names for it
either way its pink and my girl wanted it


Active Member
Looking good!!
I like the clown. Did you say that you wanted to pair him up with another clown? Are you going to do a second jig saw clown or something different?
Its funny how we try to get our sig others into the hobby by letting them pick out things here and there. I let my wife help pick some fish and she has been super into my tank lately. Keep up the good work!!


Yes im looking to pair him but i want another different clown not something u would normally see


Well i had a long talk with Rapid leds and they finally understood that they sell out of there kits to fast
that they needed to hold me one for me so its currently in the mail should be here 3 days before i go
to Florida the see Micky and goofy with my son


OK i will be leaving for Florida here in about a week right after i get my LEDs installed
any ideas on what needs to be done to keep everybody healthy and happy


Guess what i got today
My recommendation would be to test 1 led every 4-6 hour man they are brite
Now all i have to do if get my electrician/father to come up and
help me install this before i go on vaca


Well we got a good start having a bit of a time getting the dimmable driver set but we should have it all in tonight


OK finally made it to Florida
i have to do some kind of review on the rapid guys
well i have to say there thoughts are good but i feel there product is crap
put it all together and after about 3 days they would no longer go to max light output kinda like they just stayed dim
and never brightened up then LEDs would turn on and off blink like crazy then they wouldn't shut off even when you
hit the off button on the controller well i should say a few would shut off then a few would stay on and blink
so i paid a electrician to come over and tear it all down and rebuild it yeah did the same thing
talking to the rapid guys they are sure its all on me but if you look around im not the only person that has had this problem
so all and all if u need light for 3 days there great but for 300 bucks there are a lot better lights out there
im going back to MH and a HO T5 mix going to pick it up now