New Bulb Time Looking For Opinions!


I have a eight bulb set-up and it's time to get some new bulbs. I should add I have a few lps and mushroom corals and am looking to get more in the near future also. I was thinking about ATI 2 True actinic, 2 blue plus and 4 aquablue special which I think are 12,000. Would appreciate any opinions.


2 uv aquasun 10000
2 ATI blue plus
2 ATI True Actinic 03
Just Need Help With the last 2 bulbs ATI Aquablue 15000 or UV Aquablue 14000. The UV bulb looks like it has a wider spectrum.


Well-Known Member
U.V. isnt all that great for is actually hard on makes everything pop and look kool but the zooanxthelle (SP) is actually just brighter! I wish i could remember how it was said.
Its ur mind so u have to make it up...not trying to talk u out of nothin!
Id go with 2 aquablue specials
2 blue+
2 purple +
and 2 actinics
the 1st one u suggested will be why white...if thats wat u want?!?!
This one here will be more blue with a lil purple!
i had a 4bulb and i went
1 purple+
1 aquablue special
honestly the only diff between the blue+ and the actinics is the blue+'s are a lil higher on the scale something like 460nm and the actinics are i went with the more blue for the coral!


Well I just figured with all the blue the UV aquasun would help make it not so blue. I like the blue and all just figured it might be too blue. With the setup you suggested wouldn't there only be 2 full spectrum bulbs is that ok?


Well-Known Member
im no rainbow expert or nothin but i think theres red in purple....
red promotes alfae growth so u dont really want a lot of this.
also the aquablue has white and yellow in it!
ull be good believe me!


Well do, I ordered them up and should be here next week sometime. I'll post pics once I get them all in might take a month or so till I cycle all the new bulbs in. Thanks For The Info Guys!!!