New Bulbs


I recently replaced the Mh bulbs on my 120, and a toadstole leather in my xenia's are in a meltdown.
Should I cut back the time on the lights?
Open for sugestions.
I am going to replace to atinics this week.


Thanks for the sugestion. I will try that. I only had the tank since August. When I moved the tank I didn' lose anything, I would hate to now. I will try to post pics soon.
You could also cover the top of your tank with 4-5 layers of Window screen, and every few days take a layer off, that way you slowly allow my light into the tank. and not just 3 hours of extremely intense light while the corals are already in shock
are they on the bottom of the tank? plus shrooms are extremely hardy, they can handle more stress then just new bulbs


No they are about half way if you look at the full tank shot they are just below and to left of the red mushroom rock


Sorry that is 1 of my favorite pieces in the tank but what you dont see is that there is 4 on the rock that started as 1.