New Bursa Trigger


Hey all,
So first off, I will say, all my water paramaters are right on, 0 ammonia/nitrite, and nitrate is 40, ph 8.2. I got an awsome bursa last night, and as soon as the guy took him out of the tank he started "playing dead" and just laying there. Then when I was aclimating him, he would either lay at the top of the container, or at the bottom. Now that I have him in the tank, and has been about 18 hrs, he is still just sitting on the bottom, or leaning himself up against another rock in a hiding spot. Does he just need some more time to get used to the new home because he is scared, and should I try to feed him?


My humu hid the first day or two. now he is one of my most active fish. Im pretty sure its normal for them


those nitrates need to come down.
how did you acclimate the trigger?


drip method for about 2 hrs... I also did a large water change earlier today also to try to bring down the trates, and also looked for some clams at my local stores, but no one had any


large water changes are the only way to drop those high nitrates. i would try to feed the trigger if i were you.


I put a small piece of scallop in there right beside him, and now I dont see it, so he must have eaten it, because I dont see it anywhere else... so I guess that would be a good thing


Active Member
Originally Posted by pens1991
I put a small piece of scallop in there right beside him, and now I dont see it, so he must have eaten it, because I dont see it anywhere else... so I guess that would be a good thing
Or the current could have hid it under or behind a rock. Parameters are NOT "right on" when there are trates of 40. Right on means ZERO accross the board. IMO, I would have not added a heavy bio load fish with trates at 40. Do 15-20% water changes every other day until trates are zero. Don't start off with this fish with water troubles. Again, not flaming you, just my opinion.