New Camera..Bored.. 300 Aggressive


Active Member
my rays are in a cold water setup .. cali rays do o.k in warm water but dont thrive so i gave a guy nearby my two rays in his 200 pond which is chilled..i have a bullseye stingray i will be picking up next week for my tank..


Active Member
sweet tank...your fish look happy and healthy,,thanks for sharing.. what kind of camera did you get?? have a great night.


very nice pictures. love the big tank :joy: what type of camera are you using.


New Member
That's freakin awsome...........great all the fish...specially the shark and eel....what type of eel?


I love the pics....what kind of camera? I can never get my pics as clear as these.


Active Member
i might get the shark i have to email the guy back.
the buttefly in there is a racoon butterfly, i would have never added him with a shark but my aptasia took my whole tank over and all my liverock, i had aptasia the size of my fist . I tried everything to kill it off but it just multiplied until i got the racoon butterfly! what i figured would take him a whole year to eat he ate in only 2 weeks! he is a aptasia hungry little fella and soon i will probably get rid of him since his work is done

Also im using a kodak Z710... amazing camera for the price! take some awesome macro shots as well!
thanks for all the compliments . i will be posting pics soon of my new 125 gallon reef i just set up as well very soon


awww i liked your addition of the racoon...maybe 1 yellow fish is enough though lmao(ps is that the same lion from way back when? The one we all wanted to die? lol