New Camera..Bored.. 300 Aggressive


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(ps is that the same lion from way back when? The one we all wanted to die? lol j/k)
haha IROICALLY enough it is..he was my first ever saltwater fish and he was soooo tiny and now hes a monster!
BellaNavis Very nice, can't wait to see it in person, on Sunday. Why don't you want the racoon? I will take him.
maybe i will give him to you :thinking:
BabyB i saw everything but the stingrays do you still have them
read my post a few posts up
bubbacat Have you ever had a problem with your tangs nipping or picking on your shark?
never the tangs do their own thing, and when the shark goes for a swim or too feed the tangs stay as far away from him as possible.. call me crazy but i think they know hes a shark


wow i have the same camera to. I got it for x mas from my mother. I simply love it. You should get the Telephoto Lens it realy helps out the camera. Iike i said before very nice pics what setting do you use for taking fish pictures.


what kind of heater (s) do you use for a large tank like that? Or do you just go buy the size of the sump?
p.s. I just love your tank


Active Member
cubsfan what kind of heater (s) do you use for a large tank like that? Or do you just go buy the size of the sump?
i actually dont use a heater at all in the winter and my tank stays at a constant 78 , in the summer i have two fans built into myc anopy that i turn on and it also stays at a constant 78
guess im just lucky :thinking:
reefboy12 IS the shark a Bamboo? apsolutly LOVE the tank and especialy the eel could swallow mine whole.
He is a grey bamboo(Chiloscyllium griseum) thanks and yes hes is a gigantic eel, with a great temperment
nctarheels one of my favorite tanks on the board psu
thanks for the compliment from you and everyone else.. thats actually pretty flattering to hear somethign liek that sinc ei put soo much research, time , money and work into my tanks!

im actually going to be adding about 150 more pound sof rocxk to the ends of the tanks for my fish , eel, and shark to hide in still leaving enough room for my ray


Active Member
thats sad i thought they were your babies, but if they ar happier
my tanks in the basment stay so cold it almost hurts to touch it


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ROYAL GANG how the hell did u make ur rocks stick like that
i just wedge the rocks in there VERY tight considering the eel and shark will knoiock them over everywhere! it took alot of time but i got them tight
cyclops Very Nice
thanks alot it will be much better when i add my new ray and when i got about 100-150 more pounds of live rock ont he sides of my tank


Active Member
psusocr1 said:
i just wedge the rocks in there VERY tight considering the eel and shark will knoiock them over everywhere! it took alot of time but i got them tight
So how did you build that nice cave on th left of the tank? Are you not worried about a collapse? I ask as I'm getting ready to convert my 240 to an Agg tank.


Active Member
Sharkboy13 hmmm psu is it a bulleye electric ray, cuz thats all i can find for a "bullseye ray"
no its justa bullseye ray ( Urobatis Concentricus)


Active Member
So how did you build that nice cave on th left of the tank? Are you not worried about a collapse? I ask as I'm getting ready to convert my 240 to an Agg tank.
well that top piece of rock is HUGE and HEAVY, i mean its has to be a 20+ pound piece of live rock, so what id id was get three large , thick pieces of live rock with flat tops and wedged the top[ piece into them.. i sounds confusing but basically all you have to do is play with it to get the positioning correct on them..
no matter what fish , mys hark, eel , stingrays etc. nothing will budge that cave or my rocks..
you cana lso drill the rock and use acrylic dowels... that also works very well


Active Member
Just curious as I set my 240 up. You have quite a bit of free swimming and open sand area. How many lbs of LR do you have in your main tank?