new can filter suggestions


ok i have a rena xp3 canister filter and ever since i got it, its been occasionally spitting out bubbles fromn the return nozzle. makes my tank look like crap full of bubbles.
my tank is already set up FOWLR 60 gal.
should i continue to go with a can filter and if so what kind should i buy???
is it ok to add a new can filter to an already established tank???


Active Member
If you have enough Live rock/Live sand for biological surface area, plenty of circulation, a GOOD skimmer, and proper amounts of "clean up crew", you should be able to "Wean" your system off a canister filter..
As long as you don't pull it off all at once...(remove bio material slowly/over time)
Now may also be a good time to look at additional water volume, gaseous exchange, and possible macros in a Sump/Fuge type setup...


squid you mean remove my ceramic rings in my can filter slowly, then get rid of my can filter? i have a good skimmer and LR/LS I just have no idea how to set up a sump/fuge but it sounds easy?
it sounds like a sump/fuge setup will have the water looking clear of bubbles though, can i put my aqua c remora hang on skimmer in my sump/fuge?


Do you have carbon? That is most likely where the micro-bubbles are coming from. When you figure out how to get rid of all the bubbles let me know but it doesn't really bother me that much. All my bubbles go right to the top in a couple seconds and the water is all clear again. If you get rid of your filter you won't have a place to use carbon, which from what I understand helps keep your water clear. You can try to run your filter without the carbon for a little bit and see if you still have bubbles, it would be a good experiment (I am too lazy to try it).


Active Member
Yes, if you have "enough" LR/LS...that is all the biological surface area you will need to maintain sufficient bacteria...
So yes, you can "wean" you tank from the biomedia in the can...
Do it slowly over a period of time and allow the bacteria to catchup as you remove 1/4 at a time over a period of a couple weeks...
You can use that time to build your new overflow/sump/fuge where you will be able to put your HOB skimmer...
Save the canister though...It is a good way to run carbon or a "quick" filter floss polish when you need...
Carbon is really only effective for the first 24 hrs or so, so there is really no need to run it continueously...
If your "handy" at all we can talk about the "nuts and bolts" on your other thread down in the DIY and Equipment forum...


donmagcwon, are you saying if i remove the carbon puch in my filter media basket, that should clear the air bubbles being spit out from the nozzle???


well i just put in a new carbon pouch today so ill wait a couple days so it can do its thing, then ill remove it and see if it helps.


donmgcon i removed the carbon pouch and u actually might be right...
I think all along it was the carbon pouch causing the air bubbles..
i wonder why that is? ill continue to keep an eye on it though because i think its too good to be true :)
my tank is looking so much clearer without the air bubbles


It doesn't cause them, carbon is just a good place to trap air because of its porosity. When it escapes it comes out in little tiny bubbles. Without the carbon the air will come out in bigger bubles and go straight to the rather than find its way back to your filter and start the process all over again. Though you will always have air in your water, you just wont have the carbon facilitating all the micro-bubble production.
FWIW, I use carbon all the time and live with the bubbles, it doesn't really bother me. I change my carbon every 4 weeks. Someone posted 2 articles on carbon (do a search on carbon) and I think the GOOD QUALITY carbon IS effective for MORE than 1 day.