Have you heard people mention carpet surfing, they don't mean just the carpet on the floor. Just take a fish head count every morning and hope he dosen't decide to start walking around the tank.
walked into an LFS and saw one wrap around a sweet yellow tang ..... it is the biggest anenome I have ever seen and the tang was not too large ..... but it freaked me out .... next time in asked the dude and he thought the yellow tang got sold .... NICE
WHAT?? I was told that it would host a tomato clown@!!! I guess this guy HAS GOT TO GO!!!! SHOOT!!
Oh I have retrofit CP's not a strip compacts anymore... they were a 4ft top that held 2 compacts.. now I have the reto fit ones... =)
2 10,000K bulbs, I believe 65W each.... 22 inch ~4 prong lights...
Oh, Thanks for filling me In! BOY am I MAD about the carpet anenome!
To be honest, it might host a clownfish. It can only eat a fish b/c it stings the crap out of it first, and clownfish aren't harmed by the stings....evolution
So it might host a clownfish, but it will eat anything else it can sting....
ive had that same type of carpet(haddoni) anemone before ... i still have one now, they are great . my tank went through an ordeal which id rather not get into but before my fish were killed i had my carpets hosting clowns without any problems, other fish like some clown gobies i had im pretty sure fell victem to the anemones but your clown should be safe.
good luck
I've had my S. Haddoni for over two years now. He has never, to the best of my knowledge, eaten any tank mate. By having hosting clowns, you can minimize any loses....my clowns shoo away any fish (or my hand for that matter) that gets too close to their home.