New chick on the block


Hey.... got a problem with my new butterfly... looks like it has ick.... A friend of mine told me to put garlic in my tank... Whatcha think???


Garlic can help but ultimately you are going to get alot of opinions on this one. Most will gravitate towards having a QT tank and being able to Hypo the fish. This thread by Beth seems to be the best advise to give--its a long read but great info. Check it out and it may be able to help you decide if what you see is ich too. The reason for the garlic is that it helps but doesnt kill the life cycle of ich and therefore wont fix the problem. I am sure some more informend members will chime in on this one--I am definately not the expert but I did go through it last year.


Active Member
Am i the only one that sees some problems here?
First off, that nano is beautiful, but in no way suitable for 3 angels, especially two large angels. They need more swimming space than that, and they have a lot more growing to do...
And a lionfish with perculas? They will become lunch once he's able to get his mouth around em. Or he'll try it before he's big enough, choke on them, and die. I would seriously think about re-evaluating your stocking situation.
Just my $0.02.


Well.... Here's the latest... my nano got ick and everybody died.. didn't catch it in time.. I am gonna treat my tank now and when I move I will get one really large tank for everything I have in my 95g and make my 95 into a seahorse tank... my nano will become my qt....


Originally Posted by finny
Well.... Here's the latest... my nano got ick and everybody died.. didn't catch it in time.. I am gonna treat my tank now and when I move I will get one really large tank for everything I have in my 95g and make my 95 into a seahorse tank... my nano will become my qt....
Hey Finny, I am sorry for your loss. I am gonna ask a couple things-definately not trying to sound rude or anything like that. First, that seemed really fast for ick to be fatal, I am not sure about any other instances but I know when I had it the time was longer but again, I dont know if maybe the size of tank might make that an issue too. The other question was I think in one of the first pics I saw a lion fish.?. I was wondering what you fed him. I found out the hard way something I didnt even think about b4 this, that the food-feeder fish- can bring in just as many illnesses into a tank as any other fish. Unfortunately I lost both fish in my Discus tank and my Lion tank from such a thing. In the Discus tank I had a catfish that would eat rosies. One time I used them my tank crashed and I had fish dying left and right--after a few days of massive water changes the only survivors were 3 discus and the catfish--about 20 other fish died
The same thing happened in my Lion aquapod but after other feeders were introduced so that is what may have happened is the same. Just some fyi on the possibilities of feeder fish.