new chiller, cheap


<a href="http://www.**************.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=6&pCatId=8173" target="_blank">chiller</a>
i been searching a chiller for my 55 gallon tank with 30 gallon sump. i found a chiller that i could afford it, but i am really confuse. the chiller doesnt need freon. do u think it really gonna work to low my temp tank. pls give me your opinion guys


Active Member
Try this.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


saltyrich i dont have a good hand in DIY project. i always fail everytime i try it.
any other command on the chiller i am really intersting in it. give me some imput guys


This is the same concept that is used by the Iceprobe <a href="" target="_blank"></a> which is made for smaller tanks.
I use an Iceprobe on a 10 gallon tank with a temperature controller and used two on a 55 before getting a larger tank and VHO lighting. The two of them held the temperature at 78 (a 4 degree reduction). Once I got the 75 and the VHO lights, they were useless.
If you follow the link above, you will at least see how the concept works. It basically is using evaporational cooling to bring the temperature down.
What you need to keep in mind in that you have a 55 + 30 which is 85. Even with the larger one, you will be pushing it. I would call them and get some further details including the manufacturer, and then try to contact the manufacturer in your situation. It may be effective enough for what you need it to do, but it will have limitations because of your specific size. In some instances, it may lose all effectiveness because of the conditions in your specific tank (lighting, pumps, etc).
I happened to get lucky with my chiller. The model that I purchased was mispriced at $499 instead of $679. They caught the error and corrected it after I bought mine, or I would give out the name of the mail order company that I bought it from.


i use 2 iceprobes to cool down my 40 gallon. I get about 6 or 7 degrees pull down from them. What i did was use a old Coralife Polaris canister filter. I drilled 2 holes in the sides of the canister and mounted the iceprobes there undermy tank. Inside the canister I coiled up some 3/8 tubing to increase contact time. Seeing you have a much larger water capacityI wouldn't recommend them to you. You can buy the Thermoelectric Modules which are used in the iceprobes seperately. I was thinking of trying to make my own but completely different than the Iceprobe. Before i decide to go with the Iceprobes i tried to use the water cooler that would have the 5 gallon bottles on top onf them. Before you buy one or take one apart all it is is a compressor(couldn't see HP of it) with the high pressure side and low pressure side copper pipes which then coil up at the end. It seemed too much of a hassle to do it and I don't think the compressor of it is rated for continous duty which it may have to be depending on the size of your tank.