New cleaner wrasse disapeared


I put him in yesterday because my picaso had a little ich. He seemed fine , very active and aproaching the other fish for cleaning.
Today he's gone.
Do you think he's still alive. I hate to loose a fish but even worse I spent most of yesterday rearanging 150# of lr into a beautiful wall hiding 4 powerheads, the fluval plumbing, and heater.
I'de hate to undo it all to find him. What do you think?


Most wrasses will go into hiding when intially introduced to a tank. It's probably not dead yet, but most cleaner wrasses will die in an aquarium. They'll end up starving to death because they usually won't take to frozen food. Sometimes they also stress the fish out, by picking at them too much. In nature, cleaner wrasses reside near cleaner stations, where the fish go to be picked. The continual search for food on the wrasses part will sometimes stress your other fish out.


my wrasse will hide in the sand and he really looks dead. The other day I though he was so i reached in and grabbed him and almost got him out of the water before he woke up and got really mad. So i know mine is a master hider.


Thanks for the replies. Your right he woke up at about 12 o'clock. I had never seen a fish sleep in :D
So what type of food should I feed the cleaner wrasse?


Common cleaner wrasses will take almost any marine long as the particles are REALLY REALLY small. You can take a regular grocery shrimp, shred it, and he'll take it. They love all kinds of food, but again, SMALL. (pinhead size particles).