New Clown Aquarium


New Member
So I have been wanting to get a salt water aquarium to keep a few clowns in, and if there is room, maybe one or two other fish. The problem is, I have no idea where to start. I have been researching what it will take to get the aquarium running and keep the fish happy for the last few weeks but it is all soooo overwhelming.
Could someone help me out by telling me exactly what I will need to make this aquarium happen? Now of course, I would like to do this without emptying my bank account. I already have a 10g tank I used for a terrarium a few years back but if necessary, I will get a 20g but I don't have room for much more than that. I am new to the saltwater aquarium world so I would like to keep the aquarium rather simple; I don't know if I am experienced enough to take care of things like anemones, unless they are easier to take care of than I have heard.
I guess what I am asking for is help with starting an aquarium from scratch. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Awesome. The only problem with the mated pair is dealing with the eggs and babies. Like I said before, I am not very experienced so I don't think I will be able to handle hundreds of little clown fish swimming around. How can I take care of that problem?


Active Member
well if you are lucky they will grow if not will be eaten i think
you dont have to get mated pair. just 2 clowns will be fine. but im sure they change theresex


New Member
Ok, now that I know I want 2 clowns (I was think A. Percs.) on to the next problem: the tank. If I am going to want two A. Percs. and one or two other fish, will a 20g be big enough? And what are some good fish to house with the Percs?


Active Member
U can easily do some type of goby. Like a yellow watchman goby. I would add the goby before the clowns as true percs. can be a little territorial in a 20g. So wat do u have so far. Pics would be great.


New Member
I could post some pictures but all there would be is an empty 10g tank. I am basically starting from scratch so before I look too far into fish, I should get all the equipment selected. Any suggestions on good filters, heaters, skimmers and anything else I will need.


Originally Posted by imafloormatt
I could post some pictures but all there would be is an empty 10g tank. I am basically starting from scratch so before I look too far into fish, I should get all the equipment selected. Any suggestions on good filters, heaters, skimmers and anything else I will need.
If you want to keep an anemone you will also need lights... they will need to be either metal halides or t5 ho... i would suggest t5 ho because they are usually less expensive and much better for smaller aquariums than a mh


I can help, I have a 20g tank and tried to do it on the cheap. Here is my set-up:
1 HOB filter (get 1 size up from what you need, my tank is a 20g but I wish I had a 30g filter to help w water movement).
1 heater (I have two of the 15 g heaters to keep things even)
2 nano-koralia powerheads (i have 2 nano's plus one Koralia-1 which is larger but I have a 20g H). The powerheads will help to move water so nothing settles on the bottom. The food and poop that settles will cause a tank crash so movement is key. You want to place the powerheads at the bottom of the tank, on opposite sides, and point them up, so that they cross in the middle. This plus the HOB filter should be enough movement and it should be pretty random movement.
Live Rock- I had about 15 pounds for awhile in mine with no problem, I just added a bit more so I have about 30 now. IMO 1 lb per gallon is fine.
Now the tricky part: Will you be keeping corals or anemones? if yes then you do need specific lighting (T5 is my choice because it is the cheapest of the upgraded lighting). If you are not planning to keep corals then a normal fluorescent light is fine.
I currently do 1.5 g water changes every week, this again helps you to clean the sand and avoid a crash.
Make sure you get too many (yes too many) hermits, snails and compatible shrimp (CUC). They will keep everything in top shape.
Run the tank with water for two weeks, add some of the heartier clean up crew (CUC). Feed a little bit once or twice, wait another 2 weeks and add a cheap fish, like the goby.
Good luck


New Member
Thanks for all the help, but I still have some questions.
I know that the Percs. can live without an anemone so if I decided not to have an anemone or coral, what do I use in place of them for the Percs. to host in?
Also, what do you feed the CUC eat? I thought they survived on algae and stuff they eat when they clean.
And if I have proper water circulation, will I need two heaters?
Would my tank be ok with just one nano-koralia powerhead?


New Member
Also, if I do choose to keep coral or anemones, is there a light fixture that is build into a hood? (I have a cat that likes to try and claw everything that moves.)


Originally Posted by imafloormatt
Also, if I do choose to keep coral or anemones, is there a light fixture that is build into a hood? (I have a cat that likes to try and claw everything that moves.)
you can get a retrofit and just diy


New Member
ok, and if I don't keep coral or anemones (in other words, I wont need the lights) what do I use in place of an anemone for the Percs. to host?
if you decide to go with the standard flourecent (sp) you could actually keep some mushrooms. some people might frown on this but i had mushrooms under this lighting for quite a while and they did fine as long as you keep your water quality up. and if you are going for the look you could probubly put a fake anemone in the tank, my pet store sells them and they look pretty cool. although it doesnt quite match the look of a real one!
good luck