New clown not eating


My new baby clown that I got about 2 days ago refuses to eat. I've tried to feed him flake frenzy, but he just won't eat it. Plus, because he stays up in the corner of the tank he wont go after the food that gets blown around in the tank. What should I do, I'm getting worried about the little guy.


Active Member
As long as your powerhead(if you have one) isn't blowing him across the tank, he should be fine. Give him time to adjust.:D


Yah, he parameters are all fine, and the current is ok, he can dash all around the tank if he wants to, but I'm more worried about not eating. I mean, it's been almost 3 days and he hasn't eaten. I'm gonna get some frozen plankton stuff from my LFS on Mon that they reccomended.


One of mine got into a stage where he didn't eat either early on. I alternate frozen and flake, I used garlic and he ate and I've never had another problem. Stores sell garlic stuff to put on, I just bought some cloves, chopped em up, put them in a little container of RODI water (because thats whats in the tank). I keep it in the fridge and pour some of the water(only) on top of the food before feeding.