New clown, odd behavior??


I recently got a clown (he's been in the tank for about an hour now). I've never had one before so not sure if the behavior is normal or not. He's really small and since being in the tank he acts like he's just swimming like crazy but not really going anywhere? I'm wondering if the powerheads I have are a bit to much for him? None of the other fish seem to have an issue with it though?
Does he just need more time to adjust?


What kind of clown? What kind of PH's? Some clowns find a spot they like and just kind of hang out right there its normal.


He seems to be calming down some now... still wiggly but not so much of a struggling look.
He's a black cown (bought from individual so not sure technical name)
PH's are Aqua Clear 802 (70) ~ 400gph (have two of them... I unplugged one for now and he seems to og calmed down a good bit)